I'm not very social and do better in discussions with a focus like the emergencies section or coop building. But I do have fun browsing this one. It just took a while finding it again. My history of discussions I've participated in only goes back five pages.

All this to say: Do you do searches on Instagram? I don't do social media, no accounts, but I love searching various topics on Instagram. One I enjoy now and then is doing a search for #mandalastones. So cheery and beautiful!

I've thought about cutting rounds of wood and painting mandalas on them. Does anyone here paint mandalas or paint on stones?
You can store all the photos on Cloud or even save them in gmail or a cd
that is beyond my expertise, Sam....I'm not even sure really what The Cloud is.

I picture it as a big room in space, where all my lost sh*t goes. Pens, single earrings, sunglasses, lighters. The 300 bucks I misplaced and never found. Ex-boyfriends.

THey all went into The Cloud, never to return...
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HEY!! @rjohns39 .... have you made pepperoni? Got some pics of the salamis, sausages and cheeses you have made? How about some pics of da oinkers too!!!

Haven't tried pepperoni yet and sadly no pics of my sausage. Didn't think to take a pic of the cheese either. Have to get new pics of the kids.

I'm not very social and do better in discussions with a focus like the emergencies section or coop building. But I do have fun browsing this one. It just took a while finding it again. My history of discussions I've participated in only goes back five pages.

All this to say: Do you do searches on Instagram? I don't do social media, no accounts, but I love searching various topics on Instagram. One I enjoy now and then is doing a search for #mandalastones. So cheery and beautiful!

I've thought about cutting rounds of wood and painting mandalas on them. Does anyone here paint mandalas or paint on stones?

How are you with a prolapsed vent? I've got a new person in trouble and can't find any of my regular go to folks

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