Here's Joel at Mother earth news fair. I do use the same equipment.
I spend a bit more time rubbing their neck once in the cone as it tends to put them to sleep.

Here's Daniel breaking them down. Still can't believe he is consistently at 1 minute 11 seconds per bird. Best I can do is three minutes.
I've been following this video it made it quick and easy for me with a small amount of effort
Here's Joel at Mother earth news fair. I do use the same equipment.
I spend a bit more time rubbing their neck once in the cone as it tends to put them to sleep.

Here's Daniel breaking them down. Still can't believe he is consistently at 1 minute 11 seconds per bird. Best I can do is three minutes.
Daniel made it look easy
Level - Expert :gig
Right? I have 14. Only 4 of them are hens. The other 10 spend all their time chasing those 4 and yelling. The hens yell non stop. Even when it is dark and they are in the coop they yell. They had better lay eggs like crazy this spring. And eat every freaking tick.
Right? I have 14. Only 4 of them are hens. The other 10 spend all their time chasing those 4 and yelling. The hens yell non stop. Even when it is dark and they are in the coop they yell. They had better lay eggs like crazy this spring. And eat every freaking tick.
I have 24 guineas in with 90 chickens. :eek:


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