Happy Sunday morning. Having some coffee with cinnamon rolls left over from yesterday morning.

Anyone here know anything about geese? I would really like a Sebastopol goose. Can I raise it with chicks? Can I house them together? Is 3/4 of an acre enough space? I know, I know....I can Google information but I'd rather hear from my friends
I would think 2 would be better. I read that they are very good natured. Never had geese myself.
I can’t process my birds either. I’ve skimmed over the posts about doing it. I was hoping they would all die of old age. I agree, total respect for those of you who can.

I used to joke that I could only have a pet snake if it would eat steak. Could someone breed chickens that live 18 months and fall asleep to not wake up?
I think some of the meat chickens drop dead at around that age but you still need to process them.
I had Toulouse geese. I kept them with my ducks. If keeping only females or only males when breeding season hits they want to wander off. Mine could get 6+ feet in the air easily.

I personally would pen them separate from chickens.
Geese are huge by comparison. I wouldn't want a chicken pushed around.

I did find I had predator issues with my waterfowl. Fox mainly and they only went for my ducks. My hens were housed the same way but I never lost one of them.

The gander was an awesome fellow. We had a sudden hailstorm once. The noise drove the birds out of their shelter. He stood with his wings out while ducks and the female sheltered under them. I was amazed at him often.

If I could keep geese here I would.
The Milk Drinker was enjoying the worship music. I decided to keep him out of the petridish also known as the nursery classroom.
Haha...I guess I'm still getting alerts. :p

While I grew up with slaughtering chickens, and we had meat chickens when I was first married...I have been caught unprepared for the personalities of the chickens I currently have. So I haven't prepared any for eating.

However, Chewbacca raised a hatch that has turned out to be 100% roosters. They are white with black markings and they all look the same. They also have an extremely wild temperament, there's no settling them down for a nice chicken hug, let's say. :gig

I think that makes the difference for me to be able to consider being able to process them; all have the same look so there are no favourites and a all have a less than desirable temperament. I just bought a brand new hatchet and I plan to use it as soon as it turns warm. They're bantams and it will take one rooster per person to get enough meat. But I'm looking forward to it. I just need Dh to get me a proper block. :)
I had Toulouse geese. I kept them with my ducks. If keeping only females or only males when breeding season hits they want to wander off. Mine could get 6+ feet in the air easily.

I personally would pen them separate from chickens.
Geese are huge by comparison. I wouldn't want a chicken pushed around.

I did find I had predator issues with my waterfowl. Fox mainly and they only went for my ducks. My hens were housed the same way but I never lost one of them.

The gander was an awesome fellow. We had a sudden hailstorm once. The noise drove the birds out of their shelter. He stood with his wings out while ducks and the female sheltered under them. I was amazed at him often.

If I could keep geese here I would.
I have also been reading about miniature geese. They might be a better option for me but the Sebastopol are just so pretty with their curly feathers
I was hoping to just get 2 males or 2 females
I read about them to guard the flock....they are territorial and if you want them to protect the flock to get 1. otherwise they bond with geese and don't care about the chickens... sounds cruel to just have one to me though.. ( besides i want to eat the babies:oops:)

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