See! That's just how amazing I am. :p
Or just how nutty you are!!

But I'd have to cross the border to get them. There are two problems with that.
  1. My passport isn't current
  2. I'd have to deal with customs to get them across.
Just not worth it.

Oh, and I'd have to go to Canada........ :tongue:oops:

Pish posh. Just say they're the newest rage in kids toys.
I have 3--4 that Rae would be more than welcome to take too! Some days I just want to have a giant rooster flock and never eat chicken again. Sigh.
You KNOW you wanna hug them.:clap You need good chicken face. :love
Hug some rooties! :ya upload_2017-5-23_20-15-7#50.gif
But I'd have to cross the border to get them. There are two problems with that.
  1. My passport isn't current
  2. I'd have to deal with customs to get them across.
Just not worth it.

Oh, and I'd have to go to Canada........ :tongue:oops:
She just needs to hug them and have a separate with her goats. Goats and roosters, I like it!!!

And Canada is a great place!! Sometimes.
Just don't look at the roads. ;)
Duh.. Thanks, I missed that one. That's perfect.
They look so big for only 10 weeks. So grown up!

Ok, what are guineas used for.. I mean, I assume you can eat them and whatnot, but people have loads of them.. is it just for meat?
Guineas eat ticks and other bugs like crazy. They also shout alarms to keep you on edge all day. I have heard they will help protect chickens but idk.
I plant to hatch eggs and sell keets.
Hi guys!! I've been skimming and skipping too the past few days....had to work :p and have been busy with my incubating eggs and chickens, almost half of whom decided to go broody at the same time!

Hubby's been sick (respiratory), I just got what he has but not as bad (had a fever yesterday but worked through it cuz I didn't want to get taters from admin, so took Motrin). I have today and tomorrow off and then next week is my last week of work, two more days and I'm outta there, hallelujah!!!!!!

You guys, hatching your own eggs is SO AMAZING. Today was Day 7 and I candled them all. I had 22 incubating, 9 under my Silkie Olive and 13 in the bator. This is what I found:

My 4 Sp/Fr BC's are all going strong.
I have 6 smooth Seramas.
I have 5 Silkied (possibly) Seramas.

I correctly called 5 yolkers. :) Another I though was a blood ring, but turned out to be a very scrambled egg with a teensy bit of blood. The other--this I feel so bad about!--was one of my precious SS eggs. I thought it was nonviable (it was very dark and looked like it had a giant air cell, didn't see an embryo or blood vessels) was alive when I cracked it!!! The vessels bled and the embryo was moving around and I freaked out and flushed it down the toilet. So from now on, if I'm not sure about one, I will leave it a few days and candle again.

After that, instead of having my usual eggs for breakfast, I had cold pizza, lol! Had DH seen that he would have NEVER eaten eggs again....
The other--this I feel so bad about!--was one of my precious SS eggs. I thought it was nonviable (it was very dark and looked like it had a giant air cell, didn't see an embryo or blood vessels) was alive when I cracked it!!! The vessels bled and the embryo was moving around and I freaked out and flushed it down the toilet. So from now on, if I'm not sure about one, I will leave it a few days and candle again.
I'm so sorry. That had to suck big time.

I did an egg-topsy on the first 5 Cornish eggs I set on day 7. 4 were non-viable, one had a chick that had passed a day or two before. I didn't see anything in the egg when I candled it. I decided I'll leave any "duds" until day 14 to see what I can see, just to make sure.
I'm so sorry. That had to suck big time.

I did an egg-topsy on the first 5 Cornish eggs I set on day 7. 4 were non-viable, one had a chick that had passed a day or two before. I didn't see anything in the egg when I candled it. I decided I'll leave any "duds" until day 14 to see what I can see, just to make sure.
I don't take them out unless they sweat yellow stuff, because those can explode.

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