So here's what happened.

I was driving to work this morning on the Garden State Parkway (or the GSP as us Jerseyans say). It is like the freaking Autobahn. You take your life into your hands when you drive it, but it's the only way to get up and down this stupid state. You can fly by the state troopers doing 90 and they don't even bat an eye, b/c you are just keeping up with traffic, although the speed limit is 65, which is a joke.

So I am talking to my hubby on the Bluetooth, toodling along at--I dunno--80 mph. All of a sudden--out of literally nowhere--a *Christmas tree* explodes out in front of me. It must have fallen off a truck. (Ok, but...WTF. It's almost February. Right?!)

This big log that was once part of the tree trunk goes right in front of my left front tire, I'm talking not a second to swerve. I yell "F***!!! F***!!" as I run over it and it immediately punctures my tire and destroys my rim. My hubby is like "Were you just in an accident?!" cuz he heard the thud (it was loud). No, I go, I just ran over a log from a Christmas tree. (?!?)

I pull over, heart thumping, put on my flashers, and eventually a state trooper comes by and asks me what's wrong. I go, It seems I just narrowly escaped death (what if it flew through my windshield? I would have been, like, decapitated) from a Christmas tree, officer. He goes, "Yeah, it was a Christmas tree. I just cleaned it off the road." (whoever dropped it just kept going, in true Jersey style, and left the exploded crap all over the road for a mile or two. B*stard!)

Anyway, long story short, hubby jacks up the car, takes off the tire, drives me to his mom's, and puts on this old donut tire from his 93 year old mother's Buick Century (2000 or 1900, I'm not sure which century really) that just happens to fit on my axle on my car, and I arrive to work almost two hours late, flashers on the whole time doing 60. Unbelievable.

My little sister laughed her azz off when I called and told her. She was like, "That's really messed up, and if you died I would have been sad, but in a couple years it would be a really good story, and I would chuckle as I told it." She is my favorite sister.

That's it. I'm alive, and so are you, if you are reading this. And that's a beautiful thing. :)
1st I really hate when people haul stuff that isn’t properly tied down
2nd I’m glad you made it
3rd the same thing happened to me and a stove except I missed it by centimeters.
4th she is right you will laugh about it one day

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