I played the original Atari as a kid. My Dad had one from his bachelor or early married years.
I was never good at pong but loved that brick breaker game. Centipede and space invaders. I always played that asteroid game too but didn’t understand it so mostly shot a few then died.
Jumped from Atari to the original Nintendo. I was awful at that. There were very few games I enjoyed when we first got it.
I hit my gaming stride with a PlayStation. LOL Yes that was the next gaming console we had. Never played with any of the other Nintendo systems.
I’m still a Nintendo girl. Love the Switch and I would have to say Splatoon is my favorite game. I really enjoyed the Wii, which I still have, and the Wii U, the ex got that. I have a PS3 but use it for watching tv not gaming.
I mostly play on my IPad though. Almost no loading time. Get free games and when I’m board with them just delete.
Oh sims 3, still my favorite just because it has a chicken coop lol.
The mobile version is such a cash grab it is ridiculous and all the waiting!
I started playing on Sims 2 and upgraded to Sims 3. I played the Sims app for a while but it was too life sucking to play.
I started with the nes, my dad burned an image of duck hunt into the television so it had to go.
Got a genesis next, played the heck out of boogerman and earthworm jim.
PS1 came after that and 99+ hours of FF7.
Killed three PS2 consoles just out of use. Still have the last one.
Still have a gamecube, and wii just for pikmin and zelda a ps3 that I never use since building a pc.
And one mobile game, battlecats that iv'e been playing for two years...i'm level 4356.:lau
I played the original Atari as a kid. My Dad had one from his bachelor or early married years.
I was never good at pong but loved that brick breaker game. Centipede and space invaders. I always played that asteroid game too but didn’t understand it so mostly shot a few then died.
Jumped from Atari to the original Nintendo. I was awful at that. There were very few games I enjoyed when we first got it.
I hit my gaming stride with a PlayStation. LOL Yes that was the next gaming console we had. Never played with any of the other Nintendo systems.
I’m still a Nintendo girl. Love the Switch and I would have to say Splatoon is my favorite game. I really enjoyed the Wii, which I still have, and the Wii U, the ex got that. I have a PS3 but use it for watching tv not gaming.
I mostly play on my IPad though. Almost no loading time. Get free games and when I’m board with them just delete.
Totally! I paid 1600 for the show prospect pup I bought about 15 years ago. She had a genetic defect and I paid another 1600 for surgery on her urinary system. Breeder gave me another pup. But that Pap ended up being one of my favorite dogs ever.
Are they prone to genetic problems?
Are they prone to genetic problems?
Not really, I think it was just a freak occurrence. Her ureter went from her kidney to the outside of her body, so every time she fell asleep she peed. I gave her a bath every day until she had her surgery. The other Paps I had, didn't have any issues. Always wanted to breed them, but never did. Like other small breeds, some have issues with patellas.

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