Good morning! Everybody is fed and out. Bob was first since he waits on the steps now, no idea when that squirrel wakes up but it must be super early.
The ramp had a decent success rate, it should improve over time always baby steps here anyway.

Well at least you know you've been neglecting us.:p

That is a whole lot of state fair! Are the competitions complete yet? :)
Hah no. My comp is tomorrow. But I have to feed and water my birds every day as well as clean their cages. Supposed to be done by 9, but I said cluck it. I'll get there when I get there. I needed some rest. That and I was waiting to call the dr to see if I could move up an appointment. I couldn't, but I'd have rather waited around if I could so I could go before state fair.
Good morning folks.

The Milk Drinker is really strong. He can hold his head off the floor during tummy time for 5-10 minutes and yesterday he rolled from front to back 3 times. Twice one way and once the other. Thing 1 really wants to play with his little brother but he doesn’t know his own strength and gets a bit rough at times. He really does love him though. View attachment 1871535
@Texas Kiki @staceyj
Woah! He is already looking like a big boy!
Look at that neck strength.
So one neighbor last week asked if I knew what happened to the neighbor in-between us. I knew he was going in for a pacemaker the 2 nd week of July. So I called him to see if he needed the grass mowed. Well he was in a nursing home because things didn't go well... and he also needed rides to a bunch of dr appointments... I feel like a cab service... I kinda wish I hadn't called LOL
You're super nice to be helping them out.. but their medical insurance probably has a service that will take them to & from appts for free. All they have to do is call and ask if they have it and they'll find them a driver.

She was at work,came home to Porky's revenge. He chewed flex hose in the house! The toilet fill, two bathrooms of sinks and the kitchen sink. Small floods throughout the whole house.:hmm

Gawd no, she Porky, Gary "the cat" are day's inn dwellers.:)
Oh wow... sounds like the wiener will need to be caged, or at least have some doors shut when she leaves. At least it wasn't electrical wires or he'd be a goner. Did she get her power and water turned back on yet?

Yes please! LOL

Now I have to decide if I want 1 shed or 2.

I have 2 kits that do a 7x8 shed. Barn roof style. So with each kit I can do 1, 7x8 shed. I can also combine the kits and make 1, 8x14 shed.
Since you plan on breeding, I'd go with 2 sheds. It'll help keep you control your breeding stock easier. I have an 8x8 shed as my coop and I have 14 birds in it, 2 are bantams. The 4' rule says I could have 16. It has quite a bit of space & I store feed in a trash can inside & a bale of straw, & the time out cage (the big ones use it as a step down off the roost w/o having to jump to the floor). I have 2 runs going off of it. I segmented a 4x2x2 space that goes off to one run for when I had to keep Odin separated. I removed a panel so they can go outside freely now, but it was also helpful when I had the feather pickers. I can just add the panel back in and I have a segmented section.
You could still go with the same layout in your picture, but butt the 2 new coops up together and have the runs go off together. Put the entry gate at the end by the old coop. I have an 8x12 run going off the side of my coop, but it wasn't big enough for everyone so I added a 10x12 off the back.
If you did one big coop I'd consider the possibility of needing to section off the inside to separate breeds and how many of each breeding stock you'd be keeping. If it's only 1 male w/ 5-10 females you could frame it out and use hardware wire, but they'd need separate runs. so you could have 2 pop doors on the side and use your fencing down the middle.
It really depends on how important it is to you that your birds are pure. My Cemani/orp came from the lady hatching out orp eggs and getting a black chick. But my supposed pure lav orp lays green eggs, which means her daddy probably wasn't an orp either. If you're ok w/ that then you won't need to worry about keeping everyone separated.

I have to go back to state fair today, but I really don't want to. I was there for almost 13 hours yesterday. :th
That's way too long to be at any fair, unless you're getting paid.

Good morning folks.

The Milk Drinker is really strong. He can hold his head off the floor during tummy time for 5-10 minutes and yesterday he rolled from front to back 3 times. Twice one way and once the other. Thing 1 really wants to play with his little brother but he doesn’t know his own strength and gets a bit rough at times. He really does love him though. View attachment 1871535
@Texas Kiki @staceyj
Adorable!!! He's so strong. It's so great that they're getting along so well.
The greatest most amazing thing happened yesterday. I took my oldest to the orthodontist and told them she needed new retainers b/c her friends accidentally threw them away and in the end they gave them to use for free when they should have cost $320! There was a bunch of stuff that they told use last time that was absolutely wrong, like if her retainers felt loose, to boil them for a 30 seconds, let them cool, and put them back in, and to clean them with toothbrush and toothpaste. Then when my daughter called 2 weeks ago about the retainers missing they told her to just wait til her appt and the ortho said that we should have come in that day to get impressions done and not waited 2 weeks & that they could have mailed them to us. The whole thing was crazy so I think it's b/c we were told a lot of wrong stuff that they didn't charge me for it. I cannot tell you how happy this made me. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me ever. Her new retainers fit a lot better and should last her forever, if she takes care of them, but if she ever needs new ones we're to go in immediately and they'll cost $300 each this time. They had me sign a paper that says everything about how to care for them and the cost, which they didn't do last time, but were supposed to (they make a copy for her chart so they knew we were given it before). AND she got a retainer case.
She goes back in November so we're going to bring them donuts and cupcakes b/c they were so nice to not charge me for them.
The greatest most amazing thing happened yesterday. I took my oldest to the orthodontist and told them she needed new retainers b/c her friends accidentally threw them away and in the end they gave them to use for free when they should have cost $320! There was a bunch of stuff that they told use last time that was absolutely wrong, like if her retainers felt loose, to boil them for a 30 seconds, let them cool, and put them back in, and to clean them with toothbrush and toothpaste. Then when my daughter called 2 weeks ago about the retainers missing they told her to just wait til her appt and the ortho said that we should have come in that day to get impressions done and not waited 2 weeks & that they could have mailed them to us. The whole thing was crazy so I think it's b/c we were told a lot of wrong stuff that they didn't charge me for it. I cannot tell you how happy this made me. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me ever. Her new retainers fit a lot better and should last her forever, if she takes care of them, but if she ever needs new ones we're to go in immediately and they'll cost $300 each this time. They had me sign a paper that says everything about how to care for them and the cost, which they didn't do last time, but were supposed to (they make a copy for her chart so they knew we were given it before). AND she got a retainer case.
She goes back in November so we're going to bring them donuts and cupcakes b/c they were so nice to not charge me for them.

That's really awesome! I'm glad it worked out for you! It's great when things come together :) My kids had dentist appointments yesterday. Years ago, they said that my son would need braces. We put it off a few years because we just didn't have the money to spend on them. When we finally made him an appointment at the Ortho, they looked at his teeth and said that he didn't need them, they had straightened out on their own! Then, they were certain that my daughter would need them. Her teeth were very crowded and crooked from thumb sucking. We put that off too, just in case hers would straighten out. They told us not to count on it happening again. Yesterday at the appointment, they asked if she had had a retainer or anything? Her teeth migrated to where they needed to be on their own also! It was wonderful news to hear!
That's really awesome! I'm glad it worked out for you! It's great when things come together :) My kids had dentist appointments yesterday. Years ago, they said that my son would need braces. We put it off a few years because we just didn't have the money to spend on them. When we finally made him an appointment at the Ortho, they looked at his teeth and said that he didn't need them, they had straightened out on their own! Then, they were certain that my daughter would need them. Her teeth were very crowded and crooked from thumb sucking. We put that off too, just in case hers would straighten out. They told us not to count on it happening again. Yesterday at the appointment, they asked if she had had a retainer or anything? Her teeth migrated to where they needed to be on their own also! It was wonderful news to hear!
That's awesome! Luckily my younger one has fairly straight teeth, but the big one had a gap between her front teeth that she hated and her bottom teeth were crowded. She was 14 when she got her braces so we waited as long as we could. I wanted to get them for her before she turned 18 b/c that way her dad would be obligated to help pay for them. As it was, I paid more than he did, but it was nice to have him pay something.
You're super nice to be helping them out.. but their medical insurance probably has a service that will take them to & from appts for free. All they have to do is call and ask if they have it and they'll find them a driver.

Oh wow... sounds like the wiener will need to be caged, or at least have some doors shut when she leaves. At least it wasn't electrical wires or he'd be a goner. Did she get her power and water turned back on yet?


Since you plan on breeding, I'd go with 2 sheds. It'll help keep you control your breeding stock easier. I have an 8x8 shed as my coop and I have 14 birds in it, 2 are bantams. The 4' rule says I could have 16. It has quite a bit of space & I store feed in a trash can inside & a bale of straw, & the time out cage (the big ones use it as a step down off the roost w/o having to jump to the floor). I have 2 runs going off of it. I segmented a 4x2x2 space that goes off to one run for when I had to keep Odin separated. I removed a panel so they can go outside freely now, but it was also helpful when I had the feather pickers. I can just add the panel back in and I have a segmented section.
You could still go with the same layout in your picture, but butt the 2 new coops up together and have the runs go off together. Put the entry gate at the end by the old coop. I have an 8x12 run going off the side of my coop, but it wasn't big enough for everyone so I added a 10x12 off the back.
If you did one big coop I'd consider the possibility of needing to section off the inside to separate breeds and how many of each breeding stock you'd be keeping. If it's only 1 male w/ 5-10 females you could frame it out and use hardware wire, but they'd need separate runs. so you could have 2 pop doors on the side and use your fencing down the middle.
It really depends on how important it is to you that your birds are pure. My Cemani/orp came from the lady hatching out orp eggs and getting a black chick. But my supposed pure lav orp lays green eggs, which means her daddy probably wasn't an orp either. If you're ok w/ that then you won't need to worry about keeping everyone separated.

That's way too long to be at any fair, unless you're getting paid.

Adorable!!! He's so strong. It's so great that they're getting along so well.
His insurance is from work, United healthcare. Ins said he could have a home health care worker once a week.:rant He has stairs and using a walker...doesn't cook, eats out every meal. So he put himself in the nursing home. ... the home has a bus but he had issues with it..not sure what and I didn't ask because I don't care
he is getting use of his leg and is planning on going home Friday. Of course I get to help :lol:

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