The wasps are dead.
The chickens are fed.
I feel much better.
Now that they're deader. :D

Lol! Iv'e scraped so much poop today. Going to repaint roosts tomorrow so I was trying to clean the best I could.
That stuff has amazing grip!

Somebody looks a little broody! :p
Oh! Almost forgot im so proud of little Kim!
I was rounding them up for dinner she was a butt, totally normal.
When I went to pick her up she bolted just about time I bent over.
I cursed her lightly...until.
Kim jumped on the picnic table and just let me get her from there.
She's saving me a bend!
And no I don't feel bad about the light chicken cursing, she's gotten away with plenty without a peep.:lau
Somebody looks a little broody! :p
I'm very excited :D Due sometime next week. (Lost track lol).

Broody Butt, as I call her, has been a wonderful broody. This is her first broody spell and she is super dedicated. Heats all 6 eggs w/ room to spare, sits all day, eats well. She also gives zero clucks with me lifting her to check eggs or moving her entirely. UNLESS I try, god forbid, to move her to a more chick friendly enclosure. Nope. Loses her mind. Thus, she gets to brood in her stupid little corner in my very not-safe-for-chicks chicken tractor. :barnie
Well, the only thing you can do is some extreme baby proofing of the tractor.
Broodies are hilarious, they'll always find some way to make you worry even if everything is going perfectly. :)
I'm very excited :D Due sometime next week. (Lost track lol).

Broody Butt, as I call her, has been a wonderful broody. This is her first broody spell and she is super dedicated. Heats all 6 eggs w/ room to spare, sits all day, eats well. She also gives zero clucks with me lifting her to check eggs or moving her entirely. UNLESS I try, god forbid, to move her to a more chick friendly enclosure. Nope. Loses her mind. Thus, she gets to brood in her stupid little corner in my very not-safe-for-chicks chicken tractor. :barnie
Oh noo! I just wildly misjudged how good crap sticks to wood and a quick scrub turned into putty knife and chisel.
Seriously the paint let go before some of those turds did.:hmm
I was getting worried you were gone so long after the wasp sting. I thought maybe you had the bejesus stung out of you.
His insurance is from work, United healthcare. Ins said he could have a home health care worker once a week.:rant He has stairs and using a walker...doesn't cook, eats out every meal. So he put himself in the nursing home. ... the home has a bus but he had issues with it..not sure what and I didn't ask because I don't care
he is getting use of his leg and is planning on going home Friday. Of course I get to help :lol:
Oh, that sounds like loads of fun. You should call the other concerned neighbor and ask them when they're going to be helping him out.

Little rant a doodle do here....

I'll try and be vague to not offend.

OP of er thread "my chicken has 'fly strike' what do I do?"
Myself and others ask questions and offer treatment.
OP "Oh, well its not 'fly strike' but a bad wound. Do I treat?"
Myself and others "yes" give treatment options
OP "well I don't have 'betadine but on have saline is that ok?'
Me "if it's safe for chickens use it. Better then doing nothing."
OP "so I should treat her?"
Myself and others...again..."yes"
OP "Well Google said they will heal on their own. Is that ok?"

View attachment 1872037 :heView attachment 1872036

Why ask!?! If you don't want to treat stop asking if you should. YES! We all said YES and it's an easy treatment. Flush wound. Triple antibiotic ointment. Keep watch. If that's to much you shouldn't have chickens. :mad:

End Rant
Oh, those people drive me crazy. I get a bit confused when I'm getting a bunch of suggestions, but I usually look at them all and decided what I'm capable of. I've had a few instances where do nothing was the solution, but if it's something as simple as cleaning a wound a little, of course you'd do it. Maybe the way to deal with these people is to say Well if it were me and I didn't want my bird to heal faster & not get an infection and die, I'd clean it and check on it. Probably separate them so the others don't eat it.

The wasps are dead.
The chickens are fed.
I feel much better.
Now that they're deader. :D

Lol! Iv'e scraped so much poop today. Going to repaint roosts tomorrow so I was trying to clean the best I could.
That stuff has amazing grip!

Somebody looks a little broody! :p
I need to ask, howwwww do you get the wasps and they're still edible for your chickens? My wasp killing centers around a huge can of poison.

That's adorable!!!

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