When I got the D'uccles and other chickens from the woman who was moving I got a little coop too. I put it in the run and mostly wanted it for added shade and protection.
Its turned into the teenage hangout.
View attachment 1876109
It has clear sides so I can see their shadows in there. It cracks me up. BB (who is definitely a rooster) and his little haram of ladies hang out in there the most.

Good looking birds Nunny! I want to fuzsy their crazy hair. :p

No idea what to make of the sass of these kids. Tonight Barb sassed Marlene, didn't go well had to rescue her.
I don't let stuff play out with Marlene, she likes the taste of baby too much.
But seriously of all the ones to start stuff with. :th

They look like a bunch of punks! :lau

Barb is lucky you were there to rescue her from her bad choice!

Been feeling blech today. I took a loooooong nap and now feel foggy. :hmm
Sable, Tilly and Jack all stayed really close while I snoozed the day away. Nice doggies to worry about me.
They aren't use to you feeling bad,they worry. ;)
Good looking birds Nunny! I want to fuzsy their crazy hair. :p

Barb is lucky you were there to rescue her from her bad choice!

Been feeling blech today. I took a loooooong nap and now feel foggy. :hmm
Sable, Tilly and Jack all stayed really close while I snoozed the day away. Nice doggies to worry about me.
Chooky, I'm sorry you had to make such a hard choice, and then take care of her at home. You did the right thing, those injuries would not have been easy to recover from, if she survived the first 24 hours. She'll be missed, and accidents happen, so don't be too hard on yourself.

Thank you Anansi. :hugsYou are a good friend. I just feel like I failed her. It was my fault that the door got left open and the skunk got in. She deserved better care than that.

I DO really appreciate everyone’s kindness and support though. You all have helped me so much with getting through this. I don’t know what I would do without my Squatcher friends :hugs:hugs:hugs
Thank you Anansi. :hugsYou are a good friend. I just feel like I failed her. It was my fault that the door got left open and the skunk got in. She deserved better care than that.

I DO really appreciate everyone’s kindness and support though. You all have helped me so much with getting through this. I don’t know what I would do without my Squatcher friends :hugs:hugs:hugs
Most of us have goofed up
I have left a door open a couple of times.

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