Most of us have goofed up
I have left a door open a couple of times.

Me too.

Then there was the 5am full dark rush before work....put feed in dishes, put fresh water in dishes (both things are in the run). Go to work. Work all day. Come home, and realize the pop door was never opened.
No one died but that was ONLY because the coop is fully shaded and it was only in the low 80's that day. Poor birds were very very thirsty.
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Easy enough to do, sometimes I remember in the middle of the night and go out.
I have done that too

Today I went out to let them out at dawn and 2 hens and a backup roo were wandering around. Some how they got left out. I was sitting out there,in the drizzle waiting until after the sunset to lock up. They must have been waiting for the drizzle to stop somewhere in the brush.
God must have been watching over them
Thank you Anansi. :hugsYou are a good friend. I just feel like I failed her. It was my fault that the door got left open and the skunk got in. She deserved better care than that.

I DO really appreciate everyone’s kindness and support though. You all have helped me so much with getting through this. I don’t know what I would do without my Squatcher friends :hugs:hugs:hugs
I think we've all been there. I left one out.. didn't count & thought everyone was inside. Found a big puff of feathers on the ground the next morning. I count and recount every time now. Once, I laid the door shut, but didn't latch it & forgot to go back.. luckily it didn't get knocked open. It happens to the best chicken tenders. You'll be sure to check the doors from now on.

Here's a pick me up for y'all
What cute little fluffy butts!
Good morning! It is already feeling pretty tropical out there sheeze!
Nice that some of the girls are molting, im sure it has to be nicer than a winter molt.
Tucks is stating to get nude patches, never realised girl was so pink. :D
My Polish looks like a naked neck!

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