Good morning! Iv'e been out walking the property with my derp train.
I saw two raccoons out there about 5:30 so I wanted to be certain they were gone.
It feels nice out there, cloudy but very comfortable.
I am flying solo today, hubs took his mom to Georgia to stick her nose where it does not belong.
Its a mess honestly, mil's mom's last husband died and she just has to go stir the pot.
She told some pretty funny fibs about the old fella after her mom died but sad at the same time.
She said he asked her to basically take her mom's place and after that she refused to even visit him.
Man was in his 80's and nice as could be and way too smart to want to shoot himself in the foot like that lol!
O.k, disregard that, hubs came in mid post and he took her back home!
I knew that would happen if his daughter flew in, she's a retired pro power lifter.
She has a dented sense of humor and no patience for goobers.
I like her very much.:)
He is still a really cool dude Cappy.

They do know that I won't risk an injury to these goobers. That means we are set up for "look don't touch" here. :hmm

They are not good eaters either. That will take some work too.
She has been mixing puppy milk replacer with the dry food. If I HAVE to I will but it is not ideal.
River is a kibble hoover. :gig

Tilly is upset about th to have gone off HER feed.
:barnie Chicken and rice again for her.

Once Delilah has been out I will turn the trio out into the kitchen to explore.....and so I can wash the blankets.
Thanks 21, I think all the polish look amazing!
Rain started about 11am here. About half the turkeys went in the coop. Rest are in the trees
Stupid turkeys
Ours are confined to a run. We have an outside roost, and some choose to roost outside, even in winter. They are quite hardy and they don't seem to feel the weather like other birds too.
Ours are confined to a run. We have an outside roost, and some choose to roost outside, even in winter. They are quite hardy and they don't seem to feel the weather like other birds too.
My coops are cattle panel hoops , so cold but dry. Last year I had a 9 wk poult that stayed out on a stormy night and died a week later. But these are 5-6 months old. Still worry about them getting soaked.. supposed to drop to close to freezing
Maybe those turkeys needed a shower.
So dirty turkeys.;)
. :gig
I would worry too Mo. Soggy turkeys and cold temps. :(

We are all still kicking. :th

These puppies are.....well hydrated. My mop has been getting a work out.

I have had no trouble getting them to eat the dry kibble. :yesss:

Normal house noises makes one of them startle and run for safety. Working with her on that.

I am leaking red fluid from many places due to tiny teeth being super sharp. Not anything major at all.
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