Puppy palooza should be almost over? :fl

I am Soooooo over it. :th

I have been doing 3-4 loads of puppy bedding a day. Mopping the floor 3-4 times a day. These turds have snarly growly serious puppy fights even.

I can only hope the weather does not delay them to much.
I am Soooooo over it. :th

I have been doing 3-4 loads of puppy bedding a day. Mopping the floor 3-4 times a day. These turds have snarly growly serious puppy fights even.

I can only hope the weather does not delay them to much.
You are reminding me why I never want to breed dogs ever again. I have a hard enough time with raising one pup at a time. Hang in there. :fl
I could never be a breeder. This is nuttier than squirrel poop!
I bred a few litters as a teenager. I no longer wish to risk my dogs to make puppies personally. It does take a certain type of person to do that. I'm also in no shape to bend over repeatedly trying to corral puppies anymore.
I bred a few litters as a teenager. I no longer wish to risk my dogs to make puppies personally. It does take a certain type of person to do that. I'm also in no shape to bend over repeatedly trying to corral puppies anymore.

These are complete turds. The health risks are not worth it to me either. I say heck no to all this bending too. Talk about dizzy spells!

Still trying to get ready for winter. Got a fair bit done today, but it takes a long time for me to wake up and get out there. We are supposed to get 2 days of heavy rain, so I will be inside for a bit.

How have you been holding up with recovering from the tick bites/illness?

My dad used to say that you could always tell a non-dog owner cause they would say ridiculous things like “puppies are so cute! It is such a shame they have to grow up!”

We, on the other hand, called puppies teeth on wheels :gig

Hang in there Henny!!!

Ok puppies are cute....when asleep. :hmm
Definitely agreeing with the teeth on wheels! Here they are piranha faces.:lau

I bred & showed Cocker Spaniels and loved raising puppies.:idunno

Those are smaller though! These are 20+# each right now.
:ththey poop as big as a full grown cocker! :sick

I think to breed puppies you would have to like them :D I guess I just prefer how they mellow out as adults. I do miss puppy breath though! :love

I don't like puppy breath. :sick:sick
I do like my nice older dogs that have chilled the tater out!

Well Cockers are small and show bred ones at least don't engage in fights or destroying property etc.

Yeah the vicious puppy fights are very upsetting to say the least!

GAWD I am tired!

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