I guess it is official we are going to lose the last Colorado KMart. :hmm

Our store choices become more and more limited.
Oh we still have target, marshalls, ross, khols and a few others. Prices are higher at those.

I guess between online shopping and good ole Sams/Wal-Mart these others like KMart just cannot compete.

Today we need to go shopping for shirts for hubs. He has lost so much weight he really needs smaller shirts.
Boooo hissss!
I miss the K-marts, they had the funkiest smell down this way and the BEST ripoff toy/gumball machines.
Bonus, they never shooed adults of the quarter horsie ride.
Again booooo hissss! :tongue
I guess it is official we are going to lose the last Colorado KMart. :hmm

Our store choices become more and more limited.
Oh we still have target, marshalls, ross, khols and a few others. Prices are higher at those.

I guess between online shopping and good ole Sams/Wal-Mart these others like KMart just cannot compete.

Today we need to go shopping for shirts for hubs. He has lost so much weight he really needs smaller shirts.
Is the pug really bigger than one of the baby goats? Picture looks like it.

Dudley the pug is bigger for now. The goats are just a month old tomorrow. plus they are dwarfs. :p

My interview went ok, but not great. They talk about management stuff, which I do not have experience & about bringing the library system in to to 2020s technology wise. I've not dealt much w/ tech advancements b/c we're constantly trying to hold trash together with trash b/c my boss wouldn't buy new stuff. I'd love to have time to look into new things, but I've spent the last several years waiting anxiously for someone to buy me new things I've not been too interested in look at new advancements b/c I knew it was something I'd never see in real life. I'm still dreaming of a solid ink printer from 2005 & what it would be like to have all our computers on the same version of windows at the same time.
IDK what the other candidates are like, but I was told an older (than me) man interviewed after me yesterday and they didn't see to do very well either. I was told there was what sounded like a lot of nervous laughter coming from the office. They have at least 1 more interview today. I'll know one way or another soon enough. After waking up in the middle of the night for no reason I decided that I'd be super happy if I didn't get the job b/c I'm really happy w/ my job, provided I actually get to DO my job. I did tell them that I'm ok w/ someone else getting the position, so long as I'm not put in another situation where I'm holding someone's hand for the rest of my life. I've got 18-20 years left before I can retire and if I stay here fine, but I'm ok w/ not being manager for several more years. I'd like to work for someone who knows what they're doing. If I don't like the manager I've got 3 years before my youngest goes off to college & I'll be able to be more flexible w/ my work related travel and hopefully be able to move to a new place.

Well just so you know you aren’t alone, my boss refuses to get rid of his 1999 (yes, the year 1999) inventory and pos system. Because it still works, why upgrade? :th

We haven’t had a full backup run in over 2 years because one file is corrupted and cant be backed up. Luckily we’ve never had to reinstall, but he doesn’t want to see how screwed we are if/WHEN that thing fails. I have an old server from around 2002 that we only use for one thing. Thank goodness I’ve moved everything else off it. I could go on and on, but I’m sure you get it! :hugs
Good luck with the interviews. There is something to be said for liking your job anyway. So maybe the risk of losing you will be enough to spur some changes. I put my foot down and said if we didn’t go to a central payroll, I’d leave, so I did get ADP on board a couple years ago. ;)

Looks like we may be dry for the next 3 or 4 days... It's really cold this morning though we're up to 18 in the sun.

About the same here. Blasted hawks don’t care. One swooped down and scared all my birds this morning. Huge baztard.
Boooo hissss!
I miss the K-marts, they had the funkiest smell down this way and the BEST ripoff toy/gumball machines.
Bonus, they never shooed adults of the quarter horsie ride.
Again booooo hissss! :tongue

I think the K-mart smell is a trademark thing. :lau pretty funky up this way too.

I remember when I get as a kid we had K-mart or a dive called Alco and that was it. Well next town over had a Sears and a Montgomery Ward.
Gah! I am showing my age there ain't I......
Ohhh, we had Sky City!
It was fabulous too, it was Wal-Mart but without the skuz.
It had these retro diamonds and starbursts everywhere soo neat.
It almost had the K-Marty smell but since it had groceries too it kind of threw it off, so K-Mart but throw in some bananas. :gig
I think the K-mart smell is a trademark thing. :lau pretty funky up this way too.

I remember when I get as a kid we had K-mart or a dive called Alco and that was it. Well next town over had a Sears and a Montgomery Ward.
Gah! I am showing my age there ain't I......
Well shoot Henny, my day is shot too.
Hubs is putting in a drain for his dear old Mom so her basement won't flood anymore.
If I know him, it is an all day job.
Well shopping is delayed.....by several hours. Hubs day off turned into a day on.
Oh to have competent coworkers.
Well shoot Henny, my day is shot too.
Hubs is putting in a drain for his dear old Mom so her basement won't flood anymore.
If I know him, it is an all day job.

I would love it to be dry out so I could put dadgum trip hazards outside and get the mopping done.....without it getting undone in 2.2 seconds.

The amount of dust that comes in on these hounds is astounding. I really need to wash ceilings, walls AND floors. It is getting old having to constantly get dust off the ceilings and walls.
I did get the drapes in the washer at least.
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