Mostly they wanted to see how alert she was at 12 hours post op and remove the IV catheter. The doc was pleased enough that the catheter came out.
I am glad she mostly wants to sleep today. She just had her 3rd tiny meal, a potty trip and is back to laying down. Next pills in one hour.

The others are curious but letting her be.

As long as I can keep her quiet, eating and meds going in things look good for her.
Mostly they wanted to see how alert she was at 12 hours post op and remove the IV catheter. The doc was pleased enough that the catheter came out.
I am glad she mostly wants to sleep today. She just had her 3rd tiny meal, a potty trip and is back to laying down. Next pills in one hour.

The others are curious but letting her be.

As long as I can keep her quiet, eating and meds going in things look good for her.
Very glad to hear that things are going well so far. Hang in there, both of you :hugs
I was babysitting some pups for a friend and took one last look at them before heading off to work. Something seemed off, so I took the pup to the vet. She had an intestinal tortion! If I had just left her for the day, things could have been bad.
Glad River is improving! I had a dog once that would fetch rocks if you threw them in the lake. He never did swallow one that I know of.

Good afternoon Cappy :frow hope your Wednesday is going well.

Mostly they wanted to see how alert she was at 12 hours post op and remove the IV catheter. The doc was pleased enough that the catheter came out.
I am glad she mostly wants to sleep today. She just had her 3rd tiny meal, a potty trip and is back to laying down. Next pills in one hour.

The others are curious but letting her be.

As long as I can keep her quiet, eating and meds going in things look good for her.
That's great that her check up was good :hugs:hugs
It is an.......adventure. :hmm

Just taking it one hour at a time today.
Maybe River, Tilly, and my little hen Gretel could all make a PSA on the dangers of eating "Things That Are NOT Food". Sure it is fun and exciting at first, but then come the vet visits, the weird diets, the cones of shame, and crop bras...Just say no everyone!
Maybe River, Tilly, and my little hen Gretel could all make a PSA on the dangers of eating "Things That Are NOT Food". Sure it is fun and exciting at first, but then come the vet visits, the weird diets, the cones of shame, and crop bras...Just say no everyone!

My old goose Fancy needs to be in on it. Neighbors did not control their trash. There was a wind storm while we were away she swallowed 6' of orange bailing twine. That emergency vet spent 5 hours and 6 tubes of KY saving her. I know it was over 20 years ago but dang he was a nice vet. He only charged me $56 for all that work.
We got lucky, LT likes rocks, but he collects them externally and brings them inside, or puts them in a special place in the yard. I've not had a rock eater yet, and I hope it stays that way.

The collection

It's grown since this pic was taken. This was it about 7 yrs ago.

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