Good morning!
Hectic morning here but still good lol.
The kids are at that age where they gang up and try to murder birds,squirrels etc so im having some fun times out there aiding their intended victims escape.
To top it off iv'e got big baby Prince following me wanting treats trying to "blend in" with the little derps, it is hilarious.;)

Oh and the bleeding omg!
Hamster held the record before the rabbit, both of them pink eyed devils like Chooky's Niven.:oops:
Fortunately for me, Niven is a licker not a biter :D

It has been a long time since I had the misfortune to be bitten by a mammal. Tad the beardie bites occasionally but never on purpose. She just has bad eye sight and tremendous enthusiasm for food. It hurts but she has never broken the skin.
The only reason I would ask for snow. Hopefully it stalls over the fires and dumps feet before it reaches you or me.

Hamster bites are awful. Those little razors puncture deep and it hurts.

I'm oddly having a hard time remembering all the animals that have bit me. LOL
Mice and hamsters. A mole I tried to rescue. A snake too. Countless dogs and cats, usually I'm the nail trimmer on those that's can't be done by anyone else. (My chihuahua must be about 1/2 that number) I was bit by a little kid once. On the face. I was young and mom and I were shopping. I sat on the floor and he came over and sat next to me. It was cute until he stoop up and leaned in for what I thought was a hug. Bit me on the cheek.

Could have been worse bite was the little wood chuck. My sister was having work done on her house and a wood chuck had been seen in the debris pile. Well it ran into the garage and wouldn't come out. So I chased it around and tried to corner it. I think I got it under a small house hold trash can. I had gloves on so picked it up under its arms to carry it out of the garage. It managed to get ahold of my finger and wouldn't let go. Was doing that chomping in place motion. It hurt through the leather gloves. I didn't know they could bend their neck in such a way. It was little too. Full grown would have taken my finger off glove and all.
Hermit crabs and lobsters chop down hard with those claws.

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