Good afternoon folks. I had a busy weekend. I realized Saturday that I didn't have any shopping done for my parents and sibs, so DH and I went out last night to go shopping. Only took an hour an a half to find everything we needed, yay!

I'm consistently grateful for DH. He manages most of the household tasks now that I'm pregnant and really have no energy. I see Facebook rants in different groups from women about how their BFs or husbands won't spend more than a couple of minutes with their kids without complaining or go out and spend $5000 on a snowmobile sled without talking to them. I'm glad I waited for a good one! He needed a little breaking in with helping with the kids but for the last 2 years he's been wonderful.

I just sent this vid to my brother. He wants to raise them to cook the feet for stock.

I decided not to see a dentist. It's healing up fine. Other people I talked to and research I did all told me that at his age, if the adult tooth isn't far behind, trauma will often start the falling out process sooner than normal because the root is already dissolving and the blood vessels in the pulp of the tooth get compromised. I'll keep an eye on it but it seems to be a normal thing.

Good morning Rae 🙂 have a good day
This morning wasn't fun. I had to do a 12 hr fast for a life insurance physical (we have insurance on me but since my income increased it isn't quite enough to generate enough interest on the principle to replace my salary if anything happens to me) I didn't get to eat until almost noon. So I was kind of grumpy.

The timing was interesting. I started looking into this at the beginning of the month and only was able to get the physical scheduled for today. On Saturday, we found out that someone DH knew from our old church in MD (I met him a few times but didn't talk to him much) died on Thursday. His wife found him on the floor of their home office. There was a complete surprise. They have 4 kids, ranging from 11-3. He was only 6 months older than I am.
Fasting is supposed to be good for you.. :wee

Sorry the guy died so young
Never know when your time is.
My mom's sister was 10 yrs younger and died 6 years before mom... lymphoma
So less grumpy now I hope. Waiting til noon I would be homicidal.
Mostly, still have a headache though.
Fasting is supposed to be good for you.. :wee

Sorry the guy died so young
Never know when your time is.
My mom's sister was 10 yrs younger and died 6 years before mom... lymphoma
Not really supposed to fast longer than 8-10 hours (overnight) while pregnant.
Aw crap! My friends hubby tested positive :hit
He seems to be doing okay she said. Hes staying in the basement which is huge and finished so he should be okay down there, but their dog keeps going back and forth between them ☹️
Hes had melanoma a couple of times but came through, so hopefully that means he can fight this off too. :fl (Strong immune system):fl
Aw crap! My friends hubby tested positive :hit
He seems to be doing okay she said. Hes staying in the basement which is huge and finished so he should be okay down there, but their dog keeps going back and forth between them ☹
Hes had melanoma a couple of times but came through, so hopefully that means he can fight this off too. :fl (Strong immune system):fl

I fear we will be seeing more people getting it before it is under control. I hope he does well and only has a mild case.
Hi everyone. Just popping in. Hope everyone is doing well. We're ok here. Birds are still alive, though a hawk tried to murder Clover a couple weeks back. She wasn't hurt that I could tell, but she was traumatized. Kids and I are doing well. Everything is online now. 2 kids at the studio tested +, while my kids were exposed we were lucky to not be infected.
Hope everyone has a great holiday!
Aw crap! My friends hubby tested positive :hit
He seems to be doing okay she said. Hes staying in the basement which is huge and finished so he should be okay down there, but their dog keeps going back and forth between them ☹
Hes had melanoma a couple of times but came through, so hopefully that means he can fight this off too. :fl (Strong immune system):fl
I hope everything goes well for him. My friend's uncle passed away recently from the virus. He had not been feeling well and went to the hospital and they sent him home because he didn't have any breathing issues. He died at home a few hours later.
Hi everyone. Just popping in. Hope everyone is doing well. We're ok here. Birds are still alive, though a hawk tried to murder Clover a couple weeks back. She wasn't hurt that I could tell, but she was traumatized. Kids and I are doing well. Everything is online now. 2 kids at the studio tested +, while my kids were exposed we were lucky to not be infected.
Hope everyone has a great holiday!
:frow Have a wonderful holiday season Apryl. It's so nice to see you. :hugs
Good morning folks!

Slept like crap, but that's ok, the weekend is almost here.

Well, I thought I really liked Cricket Wireless, until this week. About 2 weeks ago, we ordered a new phone for DH and besides needing to straighten out which of his phones could call out, it went fine. Last week, I ordered a phone for myself since my battery has been getting steadily worse on my old phone. Right from the start, there was something wrong with the new phone. With the headphones that came with the phone plugged in the phone would randomly crank the volume all the way down without me telling it to. Often it was because the port got jostled but sometimes it happened for no reason. When I would plug in a headphone splitter (so you can charge the phone and use headphones at the same time because they were idiots and got rid of the headphone port) I would get electronic crackling noises and the audio would stop working over the headphones.
So I decided to return the phone, but I needed to get my old phone working. Apparently, once I engaged the new phone, with the new SIM card, they removed the old SIM card from their system, permanently. But, I couldn't get the old SIM card out of my phone to change it for the new SIM card. So on Tuesday, I made the hour drive (one way) to the nearest Cricket store to get this fixed. Apparently, I was doing it wrong. Anyway, I fixed that. I didn't call to finish the warranty process that night because I was just too tired.
Wednesday, I called the warranty department to finish processing the warranty request. I was then told I have to return EVERYTHING I got in my order, INCLUDING the new SIM card that I was using to keep my old phone working! So, yesterday afternoon, I got done work ridiculously early (2pm) and went on ANOTHER drive to the Cricket store to get a replacement SIM card because they junked my old one. And I had to pay $10 for the privilege of keeping my old phone working while I returned the new one.
:barnie:he :mad:
Fortunately, the guys at the store were awesome and got me a shipping box (since I trashed the old one) and helped me pack it up properly. This saved me some money because I was planning on buying a box at Staples. This helped cheer me up a bit, and brightened my view on the Cricket store personnel. I still don't like the phoneline help. From the accents of everyone I've talked to, it sounds like they outsourced their call center to India, which is REALLY bad for me with my hearing loss. It makes interacting on the phone difficult.

I took it and another package (an Amazon return) to the UPS drop at Staples. My Cricket package was accepted fine. My Amazon package was a different story. Amazon gave me a QR code for the drop to scan. Apparently, Amazon/UPS/WHOEVER didn't give anyone but their "Full Service" drop locations the ability to read those QR codes. I had to spend 20 min on the phone to get Amazon to send me a label that would print which I had to forward to the Staples print shop to get printed out.
:barnie:he :mad: :hit
However, I got that worked out and got both packages shipped. Hopefully, Cricket accepts my return, but it will be 8-10 business days until I get my refund AND my upgrade option back. Until then, I have to deal with my old phone who's battery is getting worse by the day.

In some ways, I like being able to buy things online and not have to go into the store to deal with things, but sometimes, this change is SUCH a hassle! Especially when you live in the middle of nowhere and not right around the corner from from their stores.
Sorry it was such a pain Rae. If you ever decide to change providers, Ting is a great budget company with good customer support.

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