If you had your arm in a shoulder cast, it would be done!:gig

I still need to finish he upper portion, do the front trim and button sections, cuffs and get the sleeves closed up. Not necessarily in that order lol.

I get busy with everything else and am to pooped to concentrate on it so there it sits....patiently waiting.
I still need to finish he upper portion, do the front trim and button sections, cuffs and get the sleeves closed up. Not necessarily in that order lol.

I get busy with everything else and am to pooped to concentrate on it so there it sits....patiently waiting.
Trim and buttons -- over-rated! Shorter arms without cuffs do not drag in the water when you put your hands in the sink. You are almost done! (That is why I only do afghans and pillows).:oops:
Trim and buttons -- over-rated! Shorter arms without cuffs do not drag in the water when you put your hands in the sink. You are almost done! (That is why I only do afghans and pillows).:oops:

I DID have foresight (and laziness) to keep the sleeves at 3/4 with cuff. Wet cuffs is 99% of why I don't wear long sleeves. :sick

Funny from here today....

Hubs has a new project bike to work on. He was checking all the stuff to see what needs sorted out while I hung out outside making planter boxes. I have Rudy and her flock running loose. He hit the silly tiny horn and EVERY bird freaked! All the ones closer to me than the coop suddenly became glued to my legs.
I did go tell him the horn works. :rolleyes:
Good morning everyone 😊 have a great day

Good morning Sue. :frowI hope you are feeling pretty good today. We have great weather here.
Good morning folks :frow

Good morning Bob. :frow I hope you get to enjoy the day.

I think I will be very busy outside most of the day. I am making a pound cake and banana bread then a quick store run before heading out to clean coops and mess around in the yard.

I can't wait to see green grass and flowers!
Good morning Sue. :frowI hope you are feeling pretty good today. We have great weather here.

Good morning Bob. :frow I hope you get to enjoy the day.

I think I will be very busy outside most of the day. I am making a pound cake and banana bread then a quick store run before heading out to clean coops and mess around in the yard.

I can't wait to see green grass and flowers!
:frow Good morning Henny, have a great day. We have one flower right now. The jonquils started popping up before the snow. I think they may be a bit delayed now.

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