OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Just curious what the food sellers permit costs up in Miami county ? 

A few years back a local farmers market was trying to start up here in Warren county. Having ample eggs I thought I would head on down for the opening morning. I washed the eggs, packed the cartons in a cooler with some ice packs over them. There where only a couple of us set up. Did not take too long and a woman came up with a clipboard. She was from some government agency, checked the temp. the eggs were being stored at, and asked to see my permit. I was not aware a permit was required. She explained the permit that was needed, which basically sounded like something more applied to the food trailers at the county fair or festivals. She asked me if I had sold any eggs, and I believe I would have received a citation if I had, had me pack up and let me go with a warning.  I forget what the cost of the permit was now, but it was very pricey and only good for like 10 days if memory serves.  So needless to say I don't sell eggs off the place these days.

I'm not sure what the permit costs here in Miami county. I checked into it 4 years ago. Like you mentioned it was only good for a certain number of weeks & you basically had to keep the eggs in a refrigerator. I was not interested in going to that expense. I began with a co-op that rented space I. The small meat market. They closed & I spoke to the owner of the meat market. He's great will take all I can deliver & people love my eggs!!!!! I'm known as the "egg lady"
Hi chickB26,

"Sweet PDZ" is an all natural product that is sort of like ground up 'clay.' It was used primarily in horse stalls, deodorizes and neutralizes ammonia from the horse urine...now it's used in coops, kennels, etc. No odor to it--I get the granular kind. It runs about $10 at the local TSC (for the 25lb bag I think). Nifty stuff--won't hurt, definitely helps.

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Just curious what the food sellers permit costs up in Miami county ? 

A few years back a local farmers market was trying to start up here in Warren county. Having ample eggs I thought I would head on down for the opening morning. I washed the eggs, packed the cartons in a cooler with some ice packs over them. There where only a couple of us set up. Did not take too long and a woman came up with a clipboard. She was from some government agency, checked the temp. the eggs were being stored at, and asked to see my permit. I was not aware a permit was required. She explained the permit that was needed, which basically sounded like something more applied to the food trailers at the county fair or festivals. She asked me if I had sold any eggs, and I believe I would have received a citation if I had, had me pack up and let me go with a warning.  I forget what the cost of the permit was now, but it was very pricey and only good for like 10 days if memory serves.  So needless to say I don't sell eggs off the place these days.
wow! I'm sorry you had to go thru this. At least now we all know and learned for the future. That's crazy. How many dozen do you get in a good week now?
Wow! Pics please of your set up! I have 49, including coturnix quail. 2 coops and runs. My big coop (10'×16')has two pens inside plus a 3 tier brooder/quail pen. My small coop 8'x12' is all open and the flock goes where they wish.


Thus is my layer pen 40+ chickens 2 Roos is 10 X 12 coop & 15 X 30 run.


Next is my SFH breeding pen 8 X 10 coop & 15 X 15 run. 1 roo & 15 girls. 4 breeding pens 4 X 7 coops with 5 X 15 runs. We made remove able walls out of chicken wire & 2x4.


Last is our grow out pen. Coop is 7 X 10 run is 12 X 30.

We just completed another 5 breeding pens but I don't have pics of them yet.

Thank you! Very nice! I have to wait to build more coops until my Apprenticeship is over. Really want to add mini goats for weed control assistance and giggles.
My first flock of 4 chickies is 3 weeks old today. Also today thanks to the holiday, they spent the majority of the day outside for the first time (2 other short stays out before). Their brooder box is in the house. I've been terrified they won't acclimate to the weather before our nasty NE Ohio winter hits. Unfortunately the warmest hours of the day are when I'm at work so they're not getting out as much as I'd like. And I continue to take them in when the temps drop in the evening. But they've got to go soon. One is a troublemaker/escape artist.
I'd love peoples opinions about when I can stop bringing them in. I am terrified of using supplemental heat in their small prefab'd coop. Afraid I may cook them to death but overnights have been in the low 60s.
Looking for opinions or thoughts....
When I got younger chicks this year I switched my feed from a layer pellet to a flock raiser crumble. I had read young birds not yet laying and boys shouldn't have the high calcium in a layer feed. With one new girl laying and at least 2 girls molting I put out a dish of the layer feed I had left thinking if they need that calcium now they could help themselves. I swear I see everyone but the laying hens eating the layer feed! I do have oyster shell out but more ends up spilled on the floor then anyone eats.

My question is should I bother with 2 different kinds of food? Keep up with the oyster shell?

I will have 12 hens once everyone is laying and 2 Roos in total. (As long as the boys continue to get along) I don't want to over calcium anyone.
My first flock of 4 chickies is 3 weeks old today. Also today thanks to the holiday, they spent the majority of the day outside for the first time (2 other short stays out before). Their brooder box is in the house. I've been terrified they won't acclimate to the weather before our nasty NE Ohio winter hits. Unfortunately the warmest hours of the day are when I'm at work so they're not getting out as much as I'd like. And I continue to take them in when the temps drop in the evening. But they've got to go soon. One is a troublemaker/escape artist.
I'd love peoples opinions about when I can stop bringing them in. I am terrified of using supplemental heat in their small prefab'd coop. Afraid I may cook them to death but overnights have been in the low 60s.

I will start by saying I've never had chicks that young. I would think as long as the coop isn't drafty you could deep litter the floor and they would be fine. It is supposed to be warmer a little later in the week. Maybe try a night then.
Looking for opinions or thoughts....
When I got younger chicks this year I switched my feed from a layer pellet to a flock raiser crumble. I had read young birds not yet laying and boys shouldn't have the high calcium in a layer feed. With one new girl laying and at least 2 girls molting I put out a dish of the layer feed I had left thinking if they need that calcium now they could help themselves. I swear I see everyone but the laying hens eating the layer feed! I do have oyster shell out but more ends up spilled on the floor then anyone eats.

My question is should I bother with 2 different kinds of food? Keep up with the oyster shell?

I will have 12 hens once everyone is laying and 2 Roos in total. (As long as the boys continue to get along) I don't want to over calcium anyone.

I would continue with free choice oyster shells. I use rabbit feeder type hoppers in each pen, one with grit, the other with oyster shells if pen contains laying hens. Does not take much room, and just keep an eye on them, add some shell and granite maybe every couple weeks. Just ran out and took a pretty bad phone shot, but you can get an idea what I mean. Not much waste with these.
So my broody has been sitting on eggs for a few weeks. I could have sworn she was supposed to have babies this week but none came. I took her eggs out and candled them. Two are certainly near the last stages of development as they are mostly full. I marked them so we wouldn't remove them with the other eggs but stupid me forgot to date when she started sitting on them.

How long should I wait on them to hatch? I don't want to have the problem of them rotting underneath her.

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