***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Cowboy my Amish paste & my sisters are not doing much of anything. Mine are full of blooms but hers don't even have blooms!
My best producing heirlooms are rutgers & Arkansas traveler as of right now. For hybrids the bush beefsteak & bush Goliath are doings FABOULOUS! I will grow them both next yr. think I have around a dz varieties. So far the 4 above will be grown again next yr. still not sure how I feel about carbon. Will depend how it outs out in the heat.

Anyone have a tomato that is producing better than others? Or not earning its keep?
NNbreeder, I'm not opposed to getting a rooster, actually I would like to have one to help protect then hens. Unfortunately my wife has balked at the whole chicken idea and especially at the thought of waking up to a rooster crowing. I'm hoping that after we get the birds in there and things settle down she will be more receptive to the idea of a rooster.

The kids are really excited about having the birds around and I like the idea for a variety of reasons. I will definitely try to get them to come up to us by using feed.

I have one more post to set for the run, the nesting boxes to build, and my top netting should be here mid week. After that I should be ready to get some birds.

Quick question, I'm planning on 4-6 birds. I was going to build 3 nesting boxes. Is that going to be okay? Too many? Not enough?

I don't remember things being this complicated at my grandparents house when I was a kid. The birds just ranged free and layed eggs wherever they wanted to. We had some nesting boxes but the thought of a certain number per bird never ocurred to us. Sometimes I think I may be overthinking this whole thing.

Having a rooster is like living by a rail yard. After a night or two you don't notice it anymore. But I'm the type that can lay down between two big Cat engines on a drilling rig and sleep like a baby.

I will have to do some looking around in the next couple of days. I bet that I can pick out a hen that will melt her heart. May not be a good layer but it will be friendly and full of personality.
Christina I have always liked Marglobe. They are an heirloom and are getting hard to find. They are a med. sized tomato that has always been a constant producer for us. They seem to like soil that is a good loam, not too sandy nor clay and they taste like a 'mater should.
Cowboy my Amish paste & my sisters are not doing much of anything. Mine are full of blooms but hers don't even have blooms!
My best producing heirlooms are rutgers & Arkansas traveler as of right now. For hybrids the bush beefsteak & bush Goliath are doings FABOULOUS! I will grow them both next yr. think I have around a dz varieties. So far the 4 above will be grown again next yr. still not sure how I feel about carbon. Will depend how it outs out in the heat.
Anyone have a tomato that is producing better than others? Or not earning its keep?
i have planted parks whoppers and big beef. These are doing well for me been able to can up some salsa. Hubby eats it as fast as i can make it. Tomato plants are doing good my problems are the deer. I had planted a later row of romas and beef steak and the deer like to eat the tops off the bush. gerrrr.

Welcome to all the new people on the thread. It looks like summer time is a good time to be a new chicken owner : )

We got back late, late, late last night from OKC. John's grandfather turned 105 on Sunday, so we were at his place celebrating. Lots of relatives came to the party. I was pleased to meet uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. from Holland, Kansas, and many other places. I took photos at the reception and later at the family dinner. I have about 300 shots to go through to figure out which to burn to discs for people as a keepsake. I will work on that project tonight.

I hope everyone is able to stay comfortable in this hot, muggy weather. Our goats are turning into lazy yard ornaments. The ducks and chickens are grateful for a shady spot and have dug little dirt bath areas under all the trees and shrubs. Have a great day!
MJ the sugar baby is a tiny watermelon. So sweet & yummy. I will eat the whole melon. Larger melons I will only eat the center since it is the sweetest. I will bring some small melons or cantaloupes if any are ready. It is still kinda early for them, but we have been getting a few. DH LOVES cantaloupes but hates Honeydews. He calls cantaloupes muskmelons, but he is from Iowa so they do things different.
We also have ground cherries. Imagine you would LOVE them. DD has been getting everyone taste them @ the market. Have not yet heard a complaint about them. We can bring some of those too. Everyday it is always a surprise to see what we will harvest!
My mom always called cantaloupes muskmelon. I thought she was just confusing them with some other melon. We are from Michigan. Mom rarely ate any other kind of melon then watermelon.
I raise LF Dominiques and love them. They are hardy, good forages, the hens go broody, the adults do well on free range, and they lay in the winter with no supplemental lighting. Here's a link to the Dominique Club of America's website: http://www.dominiqueclub.org/ and here is a link to their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/134200988409/ My byc page in my sig line has pictures of my Dominiques.

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