***OKIES in the BYC III ***

I so understand. I switched to all green cleaners and that seems to help. Cigarette smoke (I can tell cig smoke a mile away-ha) and exercise are two that really do me in. I just started a long-term maintenance inhaler so hoping that helps. The smoke from the fires was NOT GOOD!
Glad you went in! Have fun on your trip, but be careful and not overdo it, keep a close eye at the first sign of infection go immediately to the Dr, you can easily go septic or get a NASTY infection from a bite like that (in addition to the necrosis already going on) Did you ask about nanakat's Dr's suggestion of nitro, it makes sense, that is what nitro does dilate the blood vessels.

No, I forgot when I visited my regular doc (or his pa, I think) today. She took a pic and shared it with my doctor and both think it is moving in the right direction, and both think it is a recluse. I do have a followup next Friday, but I'll be there quicker if it gets worse and can bring it up then. It hasn't boiled up or broken open yet, but I can tell there is dead flesh. I touch the part that looks the worst and feel nothing, the puffy outer areas are a different story.

Thanks to you for the great advice, again. And Nana, for yours, and the knowledge that you had one and lived through it fine. LOL
Buster...stay on top of it. I had to change the bandage several times.
Mine doesn't sound near as fierce as your bite.
If there was a way to set off bug bombs in the barn, I would.
I shake out everything I pick up now and sweep often and jump if I feel anything crawling on me too.
I have lots of triggers, laughing, cold air, exersize, singing, fragrence, cleaners (areosolized mostly, but other strong cleaners too), personal care products that spray (deoderant, static gaurd etc). I haven't been able to attend church in several years, I have to listen on the phone. I can't even count the number of stores, restuarants, and public venues I've had to leave.
Kass I was the same way. I had stopped going to enclosed public places nearly all together. Didn't make any difference on the time of year either. I took the otc meds for years but only those that had the psudofedrine did any good. Benadryl did as much good as drinking a glass of water!

I am sitting here looking at a box of the Claritin-D that was bought over a year ago that has about 6 or 8 pills gone out of it.

When they removed the tumor that was pinching my spinal cord my allergies are back to where they were 30+ years ago. The only thing so far this year that has triggered them was working on a trailer with knee-deep straw in it that had been sitting in a barn for the last five years. The dust was overwhelming in there. The tumor was at the bottom of the rib cage, funny how it affected my allergies.

The last time I went to the mall I walked up every aisle in cosmetics, no effect.
Buster...stay on top of it. I had to change the bandage several times.
Mine doesn't sound near as fierce as your bite.
If there was a way to set off bug bombs in the barn, I would.
I shake out everything I pick up now and sweep often and jump if I feel anything crawling on me too.

If it is closed in they do make bug bombs for dairy barns. Huge things.
I could use some help! A friend of mine`s daughter rescued two baby bunnies.....They were mowing the pasture next to the school, the mother ran off and left these two cute things, she aint coming back! What I need is advice on how to keep these little things alive or hand them off to somebody who can. Let me know here or call me at 918-366-0326 thanks!

Okay, here is the scoop on today's trip.

Even though they weren't officially selling today, Fishers Egg Farm let me come up and buy a bunch of their $1 leghorns. I was thinking 100, most for me, some for jcatblum, and some for Ronnie, a farmers market friend who lurks on here some times. I was confused about what Ronnie wanted and when I saw them, wasn't sure he would want any, plus was having chest pains (this bad air isn't good for bad hearts, either), so I changed it to 65.

The real sale day is this Thursday. They have 25,000 birds, but are trying to sell 4,000, so there are plenty for everyone. Before you go, though, it should be clear what sort of shape these birds are in. I'm posting pictures below. It had earlier been reported they were 18 months old, today I was told 24. I'm not good at telling the age of birds, so I would really appreciate it if someone with more experience than me can tell from the closeups below. They were overheated before I even picked them up. I was late, and they were desperately trying to cool them off, so I felt bad I was taking away from their time. So, I'm sure that is affecting their appearance as well.

But these birds lay some NICE eggs. We compared them with some of ours and they are huge! They laid 4 on the way home, and I peeked in the coop a few minutes ago (we are keeping them in the quarantine coop before we put them on pasture) and there are at least 10 more laying around. There is a 12 hole nest box in that coop, but these were caged birds (5 or 6 per small cage) so I'm not sure they have a hang of nest boxes. They are avoiding the screen door I have on the south side off the coop so I think this whole big world is sort of scaring them. Even the size of this small coop seemed to overwhelm them. I wonder how they will react when I put them outside!! LOL

Anyway, we are tentatively planning on making another trip on Thursday, so I will be picking up some for Ronnie and a few more for us. If any of our Lawton area friends want to tag along to help load and pick up some for yourself, you are more than welcome to ride in the van with us. Gas is on us. I figure I spent $90 in gas today, but at $1 a bird and 65 birds, that is still less than $2.50 apiece. Shoot, you can't buy a chick at Atwoods for that! :)

So, PM me if you want to ride along. And I hope to see a bunch more of my BYC friends when I get there. These birds deserve a good home, and our local chicken companies need our help.

Here are some pics. Mind you, they won't be in this worn down old coop for too long. This is only temp housing. Click on the pic for a closeup view...

Can you tell how old they might be?

Contact info and address for Fishers:


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][email protected]
29335 South 257th West Avenue
Bristow, OK 74010


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I could use some help! A friend of mine`s daughter rescued two baby bunnies.....They were mowing the pasture next to the school, the mother ran off and left these two cute things, she aint coming back! What I need is advice on how to keep these little things alive or hand them off to somebody who can. Let me know here or call me at 918-366-0326 thanks!

That happened to us at our old house. we kept the babies (4 of them) in a pet carrier. The momma came back about 12 hours later looking for her kiddos. We let them out and they went back home.

I'm not sure how old they are. Are their eyes open? You might have to supplement them with newborn kitten formula and a small syringe or if they'll suck a small wildlife bottle. there is a Wildlife refuge down the street from us that would take them if you don't want to mess with it. I can give you their info if you want it.

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