Okies in the BYC The Original

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Good to have you at the best place on the BYC!!! Can't help you out on the swans but glad to have you, are they the only feathered friends you have???
HELLO my wonderful BYC friends!!!!! I am missing you all so much. Carah, Maribeth, NN, Doc, Peaches, Monty, Al, Teach, and EVERYBODY else I didn't name...here's a great big hug!!!!!!
Goodness, I'd love to see you all.

I talked to Carah on the phone today. Of course we were discussing our new home building...and by the way Carah...I think I'm going to have to give you a WHOOPIN
... now you got me to checking everything out and I'm going crazy....LOL. But THANK YOU FOR CALLING
. That call was meant to be as I told you today. It has made us take a big breath, slow down and look at the whole picture of this house building stuff. I have no doubt that God used you today to get our attention....

ANYWAY, I am barely staying together. I had no idea when I was a kid and I wanted to grow up that it would be this hard at times to take care of responsibilities.
I think I want to be a kid again...can we put life in reverse? LOL
But, we just keep clinging to Phillipians 4:13....and we know eventually we will get to the end of this mess.

My poor chickens are deprived. They get their feed and water...but not much love as they need and I miss giving. Richard has taken over the care of them as I have to take care of all the other affairs. We are going to DOWNSIZE
just until we get the house finished. We just don't see any other way to do it. We've been fighting the notion of doing it for months...but now it is urgent. You do what you have to do. We plan on keeping our good layers and some of the individual breeds...but we're just going to have to mix them and have one pen together. Our pens are not all on our own personal land...part of them are on my parents land...and now that the surveyer's been here...well let's just say he had to go into the cochin pen and stake his claim in the middle of the pen...LOL How rude...poor cochins.

Greybear and Teach....I'm right there with you on the losing weight. I've began my second round of walking club. I've lost 53 LBS...got a lot to go...but it sure feels good....somehow skinny is going to feel better than food taste....At least I hope...
As far as the diet drinks, flavored drinks such as using Splenda...our trainer told us that it can make your insulin go up just as bad things can if you drink too much of it. My doctor told me no more than half of the time to use the little packets in water. Greybear, what you're doing it just about what I'm doing also. People ask me what I'm doing and I tell them "God Watchers"...oh PLEASE God don't let me eat that!!!!!!
Maybe we can start a mini club among us and keep each other posted on helpful hints, etc. NO AL....YOU'RE NOT INVITED... hugs and you can't bring us any of that delicious food you make.

As for the talk about canning...well let me in on that class if you do it. I used to can everything I could possibly get my hands on....too bad I didn't know Teach back then and I would have canned his snakes...LOL
Luv U Teach....

I guess I better shut my mouth and start reading more. God bless all of you in whatever is going on in your lives.
I think I figured out why my hens werent laying like they should have been, 30 or so hens and few eggs to show for it. I ran out of feed (on accident) over the 4th of July weekend, so I had to skip feeding my normal amount for 2 days. Suddenly I've got LOTS of eggs. Guess I was feeding them to much??

Hi Ya'll, been a while since I've been here. Hope everyone is doing well.
Congrats on the weight loss Donna. That is three pounds over a bag of feed and a lot to carry around!

I used to be on both a framing crew and have done many, many remodels of houses so I know how stressful it can be all the way around. When it all happens as it should though it is pure art, different crews running about, materials getting there as they should and when you walk into it the first time after it's finished you know you are home.
I am game if this is a serious call to action regarding ones weight and health... I am literally 5 pounds away from being 200 pounds and a normal healthy weight for my height and frame(medium built) is 128-134... Would like to get that way again... (been obese now for 5 years)... Stress: and Not being a picky eater is not helping me either plus I am not as active as I once was...



PS: P&B Them "ducks" you gave us a week ago, I cant get over how beautiful they are... really nice lawn ornaments when all the ducks congrete on the property... Thanks again... on them
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mg and the has moved to october 16 if you have any more question let me know i help put the show on.

Great, thanks!
So is it the all-poultry show you help with or the game-bantam-only show?

the all poultry show.i am the vp it is a nice show .the jr show is big and nice prizes
I'm so glad I ran into this thread now. I was getting paranoid about insulating before winter. Since my "coop" is a modified shed you can buy from Lowes insulating would be problematic at best. Thanks for saving me a bunch of labor and material on a pointless endeavor.
Great to seeDonna, Mallen, Brick, and Keben on board.
to Rarnold.

Part of OKC washed away again tonight.
We only got a shower. I am not complaining.
Nicoma Park which is only about eight miles from me has gotten over ten inches of rain this week.
Thats not counting what they got on the weekend.
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