Okies in the BYC The Original

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EVening peeps! Im in early to get some of my Christmas ready for tomorrow night with the ladies from church & this weekend with one side of the family~

I got another room clean, the plumber has brought all my stuff to finish up, if all goes well my electricians will be here Friday to at least get my heater/AC unit with power so I don't have to worry about the water freezing. Sure wish this part would go alittle faster, of course it would help if I were able to be home on the weekends.

Monty loved your 12 days of Christmas!!!!

So how is everyone tonight?

Carah Have some some soup, good for ya, make you feel a little better.

Wish I had some, the cabinets are bare & I need to go to the grocery store. LOL, not that there isn't anything to eat just stuff you actually have to cook! Too bad you don't live closer huh?!
One word . . . TOAST.

I am so tired, I'm surprised that I am still functioning. I'm glad to hear that your house is coming along well.
hey chicken peeps...
Have a question for you from the show.
Looking at all the LARGE breed chickens and kicking
myself for NOT buying the buff orph for Christmas they
were BIG. Now is their a GIANT and a standard orphington
like cochins?
Toast does sound good with p-nut butter but Maddie feels sorry for me & is making mac & cheese so I am going to eat that & call it good. I will do better tomorrow night with the ladies from church!
As far as I know there isn't a giant Orp, but like you said some of the standards can get Ginormous.

Carah : Get some rest and let Maddy take care of you, she would like it I can see that already, if you rate Mac & Cheese LOL.

Can't crash yet have to get some present stuff ready before I do.

What have you been up to today AL, hopefully no excitment like yesterday.

I don't have a clue on the giant vs standard.....
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