Okies in the BYC The Original

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Carah : I thought that I saw a bunch of you Gal's crowed into that small KOA kitchen elbowing each other trying to get close enough to see Donna making those great dumplings for her POOPS dish. Laura asked me just last night to try and get her recipe. They were the best ones I ever had, I think she may be holding the recipe hostage for a ransom LOL.


See I remember that differently, I was running my butt off & trying to get it all taken care of & Donna was doing her thing. Some tall skinny guy & the other guy with lots of hair ate them all before I even got to try them!

LOoks like I will be calling, texting & emailing Donna!

Carah : Yeah those Dang guy's who H3ll were they anyway, I saw them hangin around the dumplins too. Let me know if you ever see them again and I will have a word with them for sure. hehehehehehe.

Monty : it's called pressing the copy button every now and then as you progress and it saves it in cyber limbo till your ready to make it magicaly appear, ask Kronk if he can give you hand.


you have found a wonderful group of folks who either live in Oklahoma or wish they lived in Oklahoma

What kinds of hens do you have and what varieties are you looking to add?

Disclaimer: some of us are addicted to poultry auctions, hatching eggs and otherwise acquiring all varieties of poultry. Since addicts tend to be enablers, we may try to "assist" you in the acquisition of the same addictions we have.
So, do you have sufficient hatching eggs? Are you wanting more chickens? How about some ducks, guineas, turkeys, pheasants, or peacocks?
Well folks, I gotta got to work in the morning (so I can rest up!!!), so better hit the bed, yall stay warm and dry!!! Talk at ya in the morning! Gnite!!! Lynn
Al, It was too long anway I am going with short and simple and then I will add permanent info for the greeting etc. later.
For now I think I just need to make a smooth transition.
My DW Laura just finished playing hatching chick Nurse to a chick that was visably having trouble getting out of the shell, I tried to warn against it, but in my mind I knew I had to let her try, or it would have been history. She did a great job and the little bugger looks like it will be just fine. As much as you sometimes don't want to help, sometimes you know you have too and that's Ok.

LOL you kidding me theres no way any kind of life can adapt to Oklahoma weather its 80 degrees in Dec, and hail storms in August. I know alot of you probably do keep them out in the cold but Not all my birds are equipped for cold weather and even with vasilene I have lost some combs trying to make them bare threw it. I found it better to build sources of heat for them to retrieve to if there cold. Not to mention My hens brood there own chicks and they need the heat as well. I get so tired of losing birds or treating wounds missing toes. when a little extra heat can solve that. My Buckeyes, Ameraucana's, Cornish, and Cochins have all done outstanding in the cold without heat But my barred rocks White rocks. Welsummers. bantam's Minoraca's and blue andalusian's and a few others seem to do horrible in the cold.
Those guys huh???? Teach with hair? I think he has hair just not alot of it.

I'm waiting on Donna to get back with me on her dumplings but if she doesn't I think I have one that I will try out. I"m sure it will be great no matter what.

As for the weather, I have all my birds out with no heat. So far the only ones that I have lost are the stupid ones that won't go in the house & one hen that was my fault. I don't provide any heat other than the heated water bowls so they can have fresh water all the time. The only thing that I have done was make sure they have a place to get out of the cold, even the polish figured it out.
OK everyone its done. The new thread is open.
If you have any final words for this one say them now.
P.S. If anyone wants to post the new link here please do so. also feel free to put it in your sig lines if you think that will folks find us easier.
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