? on converting a chain link dog run into my chicken run...

I still haven't gotten my hardware cloth on the bottom of the run but plan to this weekend with the promise of sunshine.

I'm doing it just to feel that my chicks are well protected. They do stick their heads out of the chain link to eat grass or bugs they see go by.

I'm gone during the day and just worry about something digging under or grabing through the fence.

I do have the top covered because of the hawks I see overhead.

I do love the dog kennel run and highly recommend.


I did the same thing, and used chicken wire the about 2 feet up and it works great! My chicks have been out thier now about 4 weeks and doing good.
I use a chainlink kennel for the run. I don't reinforce it, but my chickens free range all day so the run is more of a vestibule. lol
Do want to say is several years ago when I lived in Seattle. I can out of my apt one morning to find a raccoon standing on it's hindlegs, with its armpits resting on the top edge of a dumpster, reaching down into the dumpster with its front paws. Wasn't that large, but incredible lanky.

Imp- backed off slowly
~*Sweet Cheeks*~ :

I still haven't gotten my hardware cloth on the bottom of the run but plan to this weekend with the promise of sunshine.

I'm doing it just to feel that my chicks are well protected. They do stick their heads out of the chain link to eat grass or bugs they see go by.

I'm gone during the day and just worry about something digging under or grabing through the fence.

I do have the top covered because of the hawks I see overhead.

I do love the dog kennel run and highly recommend.



The panels pictured will not keep out even a medium sized dog if they want to get to your chickens. At minunim every diamond should be tied to the bottom rail. Home Depot and Lowes kennels are of extremely shoddy construction.​
This dog kennel used to house my medium sized Austrailian Cattle Dog, Aussie, and roomies 2 large German Sheppards.

I didn't purchase this from Home Depot or Lowes. I paid a fence company to install it. You really can't tell from the pic, but the bottom and top chain link fencing is clamped on every 4 inches. It is a heavy duty chainlink.

I believe my biggest daytime threat would be something digging under or grabbing a chicken through the chainlink in it current state without the hardware cloth.
Ok then, I am not really worried then. Our girls were in a 4 x 5 chicken tractor are to roam, then we built a nice house and a 8 x 8 x 3H run and put the new babies in the tractor. Well, DH is 6ft. 4 in. and trying to get into run to sit with his girls was a PITB. I jumped when I saw a 10 x 10 x 6H dog run with a 3 ft. wide gate for $100! DH and my sons went to get it tonight, DH and I put it back together already and are discussing roof options.
Any ideas? We get LOTS of rain here in Portland so need to consider that.
We thought tarp but if we do it flat.... it will fill up with rain.
We thought about creating a roof frame, slightly pitched and covering with the corrugated plastic?
Any ideas or input would be greatly appreciated! We want to move them this weekend.

Predator control is a real issue on my suburban property. Coyotes, raccoons, skunks, possums, hawks and the worst of all 2 of my 6 dogs with nonstop prey drive. One is a fox terrier and the other a Brit. Have made the kennel panel run pretty much bulletproof by using panels with chainlink on every surface including the roof and ground. Have opted for inexpensive plywood for the lower 2 feet instead of chickenwire or cloth. It completely stops the girls from sticking their heads out or chicks escaping. Also gives the girls a sense of security as the dogs can't go through the motions of trying to get them as they would if the view was more tempting.
I,also, am planning on using a 6' high dog pen for the run, and I have a question that I have not seen answered. Everyone is talking about covering the lower portion of the run in order to prevent a predator from gaining access to the chickens by that route, but I have seen little comment about a predator climbing into the pen. I am planning on a wire top and tarp on the run, but I am curious -- do raccoons and possums not climb chain link?
Yes, they can and do climb, but the point of the extra 2-3 feet of hardware cloth on the bottom of the run is to keep them from pulling your chickens' heads out and munching them or from reaching in and wounding them. You do also have to cover the top so they can't climb in.

I'm just assuming I have to raccoon-proof as if I were defending the run from a human.
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