It'll take a while to tell, especially depending on breed. Is that a Pekin?

I don't remember what bedding I used, but it was some kind of shavings from TSC - don't use cedar! Someone else can help you out there, I'm sure. Or ask what they keep theirs on currently at TSC.
I wouldn't let it swim in a full pool until you know it's healthy and it's got some feathers going on instead of just downy, and even then, it's best to supervise. I didn't let mine really get out of leg-deep water for them for a couple weeks, maybe 6ish?
I can't remember the full name of it, but there is a waterfowl? duck? game bird?? feed that's supposed to be good for them. I'd just keep it on starter feed for a bit until it's got it's feathers in.
There's a toxic list for birds here, but I'd look through the forums for ducks specifically here. Also, wait before giving that - they do need grit to digest it properly, which you can get from feed stores as well.
It depends; I've seen some house ducks do well, but at the end of the day, it is a flock animal. You know your bird best, but I'm sure it'd be much happier with a friend or two.
I wouldn't keep it out at night, especially this time of year (depending on where you are) - it'll be getting colder, especially depending on where you put it and with it being alone; it could get even more stressed outside alone. Do you have a safe garage or somewhere inside to keep it? When it can go outside, there are chicken tractors you could use, but make sure they're predator proof and plenty of room!

Try to get it on duck vitamins ASAP to avoid deficiencies, especially niacin. I personally used the vitamins (and feed) from here, because it's where I got my birds.

Also, is that blood? Where is it's injury? How are it's droppings?

Thank you for your help and advice! After doing a ton of research I do believe that he/she is a Pekin! He/she is starting to get white tail feathers in, and the “fluff” is turning into white feathers also! I’m excited because I was hoping for a Pekin. I’m using pine shavings from TSC currently as bedding. I have grit as well as the Purina duckling starter feed and have only been giving very small amounts of fruits as a treat type of thing. He/she is VERY friendly and has been since day one, so we’ve fallen in love with our new little friend. I’ve kept the kiddie pool very shallow because I was unsure and didn’t want to risk him/her drowning or getting overwhelmed. As you suggested, I’ve looked into vitamins through our vet supplier at work and found some that came highly recommended by our rep thank you for that!! We live in south Florida, so it’s hot hear year round and we have a HUGE completely screened in deck which is where the duck hangs out and sleeps in big tub at night for added safety and security. No, that’s not blood, it’s tiny pieces of strawberry, LOL! There were no injuries other than he/she has always been completely missing a right eye and has a beak indentation (deformity?) on the right side as well.
Thank you for your help and advice! After doing a ton of research I do believe that he/she is a Pekin! He/she is starting to get white tail feathers in, and the “fluff” is turning into white feathers also! I’m excited because I was hoping for a Pekin. I’m using pine shavings from TSC currently as bedding. I have grit as well as the Purina duckling starter feed and have only been giving very small amounts of fruits as a treat type of thing. He/she is VERY friendly and has been since day one, so we’ve fallen in love with our new little friend. I’ve kept the kiddie pool very shallow because I was unsure and didn’t want to risk him/her drowning or getting overwhelmed. As you suggested, I’ve looked into vitamins through our vet supplier at work and found some that came highly recommended by our rep thank you for that!! We live in south Florida, so it’s hot hear year round and we have a HUGE completely screened in deck which is where the duck hangs out and sleeps in big tub at night for added safety and security. No, that’s not blood, it’s tiny pieces of strawberry, LOL! There were no injuries other than he/she has always been completely missing a right eye and has a beak indentation (deformity?) on the right side as well.

Pekins are great! And that bedding works well - I use it or hay for my birds. They tend to prefer the hay, but they like to wrap it into little nests. lol And that sounds good and aweee, how cute! And yeah, shallow water works well; I believe I used a little cookie dish tin for mine when I first got them (a new one) to allow them some swim time. No problem. :) And that sounds like it'll be one happy duck! lol Oooh, that's good - sorry, I saw red and was like "what on earth???"
I would personally assume that's maybe a hatching defect or possibly they got stepped on when they were first out of the nest, but I'm not too sure. It's a very cute duck; the little quirks just make it cuter!
Aww Congrats on finally getting them. Bless their hearts. .So sorry you lost some but to have survived at all is a miracle. Now we need some pics.
Thanks. Honestly I’m surprised any were alive at all! Let alone the 24 that have made it this far.
View attachment 1552906 View attachment 1552908 View attachment 1552909 Hello all, so I went in to TSC 3 weeks ago and happened to look at the ducklings, when I noticed a duckling on the smaller side that was missing an eye. The ducklings only remaining eye was also infected. I knew the duckling didn’t stand a chance as the other ducklings with it were quite mean to him/her and who the heck was going to buy a one eyed duckling?! I took the little one home and set him/her up in a plastic tub with shavings, a water dispenser, and duckling starter feed by a Purina. I’m a vet tech and managed to get the ducklings remaining eye cleared up with antibiotics in about a week. Just to inform everyone, my duckling most definitely does NOT have a left eye, and on that same side my duckling’s beak is deformed and indented. Did this occur when the duckling was in the egg? Is it a birth defect or a result of trauma? Well my duckling, I’m assuming is now approx. a month old, and I have a LOT of questions! How can I tell the breed and sex of my duckling?! He/she is growing very well and we’ll be keeping him/her as a pet long term. I could use some help;
What bedding is best for a duck?

How often should he/she be allowed to swim in a baby pool that I bought?

When do I switch from a duckling starter feed to something else, and what feed is that?

I read that fruits and veggies can be VERY good for ducks, so I’ve given finely cut strawberries to him/her. Is that okay? What other fruits veggies are safe to give?

Will he/she be okay as a solitary duck if he/she receives a lot of attention and affection daily?

What type of enclosure is best to keep the duckling in at night outside?

Thank you all SO much!!!
What great Q's and good job for taking that duck in and helping it live! It will live a good life....I just know it! Do you have a partner for it? They will get lonely if not. Ok so to answer some of your Q's:
1. To be able to tell breed and gender: Breed-wait till it gets older, but by the pics probably pekin, Gender-wait till it gets a bit older. Voice will be raspy if boy loud if girl. Males also have a curly tail feather when they get older.
2. In my ducks coop I use straw! It is very absorbent and the ducks really like it!
3. They can swim as long and how much you want them to, just make sure you clean out the pool!
For the rest of your Q's look here on my blog. There are some articles that will answer your Q's!

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