Onions and garlic for deterrent


Feb 23, 2019
High Desert, California
I’ve heard that onions and garlic are natural pest control against bugs and rodents in a garden. But has anyone ever grown it around a poultry pen to prevent critters who shouldn’t be in there? Could this work? Would it negatively affect the poultry in the pen?
Let us know what critters you are worried about. Garlic would not be a problem cause you can give to hens to keep parasites at bay. I don't feel they put off enough of a scent to help. Not like say mint, basil lavender etc. I think onions are okay but once again not a bushy smelly plant per se. That's my opinion.
I’ve heard that onions and garlic are natural pest control against bugs and rodents in a garden.
Most garden pests won't eat it.
Have had huge beds of garlic in the past, rabbits would nest in there but not eat the plants.
I seriously doubt if it would keep them away from chickens.
They aren't effective. There may be some measurable deterrence against some small numnber of critters, but its not certainly not broad spectrum.

That is, without the alliums, 100% of some critters might pass, with the alliums perhaps 95% of them do. Measurable, a 5% reduction, but not effective. Plenty of other critters (mostly "bugs" and grazers from rodents to deer and goats) are attracted to, and consume, the allium vegitation. So, most likely, do your chickens. Mine love scallion tops and garlic scapes - but won't touch the onion bulb itself.

/edit its possible my chickens instead love the bugs they find eating the scallion tops and garlic scapes...

What is it you think garlic and onions are effective in repelling? (I had to net mine to protect them)
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Cayenne pepper powder doesn't bother chickens but it will set a predator on fire.Its rather expensive but is effective when spread around the fence line and nest boxes.Cayenne is used to make pepper spray for defense so you know it works.
I don't think it will work very well. As far as bugs they may not touch the garlic but that won't stop them from eating other plants and as far as other pests they would probably not bother with the garlic but I don't think it would stop them from eating other plants either. You mentioned rats. Not sure what they would eat. Good luck...
Cayenne pepper powder doesn't bother chickens but it will set a predator on fire.Its rather expensive but is effective when spread around the fence line and nest boxes.Cayenne is used to make pepper spray for defense so you know it works.
Old timers used to say if you mixed a little cayenne pepper powder in your chicken feed it increases the chickens blood flow,increases circulation ,keeps them warmer in the winter and made them lay more eggs plus it keeps predators away.Wears gloves because its hot.
I’m experimenting with garlic at the moment to keep ticks away (there’s a lot) from my chicken enclosure. Garlic granules I’m using so letting me chooks have some too. Also I’ve heard that pine martens and foxes don’t like the strong smell either.
Although I’m using other deterrents as well like de powder for the ticks and sound and lights (as well as electric fencing) for protection from predators, garlic is there too. So far so good 🤞 but if any creature is desperate enough, small or large, there’s always a possibility, my hope is to decrease the risk.

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