Ordered some horizontal water nipples.

I was thinking about these horizontal nipple waterers but also undecided whether to go the route of the cup waterers with the yellow nipple that the chicken is supposed to peck on......... whaddayathink? Which one is better?
I was thinking about these horizontal nipple waterers but also undecided whether to go the route of the cup waterers with the yellow nipple that the chicken is supposed to peck on......... whaddayathink? Which one is better?
If you live in an area that gets to freezing, then the horizontal nipples are much better. A problem with the cup waterers is that dirt still gets into them and they freeze quickly when it's cold
I was thinking about these horizontal nipple waterers but also undecided whether to go the route of the cup waterers with the yellow nipple that the chicken is supposed to peck on......... whaddayathink? Which one is better?

IMHO, horizontal nipples are the better option, clean water 24/7. I leave my chickens on their own for 8 days and don't worry about water or feed(with my DIY feeders) I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving them with any other type of waterer. Go to amazon and read the reviews on both styles. It shouldn't take to long to figure out what style works better, by the amount of reviews and the star rating.
For any of y'all that experience algae growth in your waterers, try putting some copper in the waterer. It can be copper wire, copper pennies ( 1982 or earlier USA or 1996 or earlier Canadian), copper plumbing fittings. It doesn't matter just as long as it's copper and not brass or pennies later than what I've stated since those are mostly zinc. I've cleaned my 5 gallon waterer once in a year. The only reason I did was because my wife nagged badgered pestered asked me to.
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IMHO, horizontal nipples are the better option, clean water 24/7. I leave my chickens on their own for 8 days and don't worry about water or feed(with my DIY feeders) I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving them with any other type of waterer. Go to amazon and read the reviews on both styles. It shouldn't take to long to figure out what style works better, by the amount of reviews and the star rating.

Do you have a link to your feeder build? Or could you post a picture of it?

@PetesChicks Here's the BYC link for the feeder. You can use any container that suites your needs, I have a five and seven gallon bucket that I use. I secured the elbows from the inside with L brackets, instead of silicone or caulk. I just felt, they will never move that way.


@PetesChicks Here's the BYC link for the feeder. You can use any container that suites your needs, I have a five and seven gallon bucket that I use. I secured the elbows from the inside with L brackets, instead of silicone or caulk. I just felt, they will never move that way.

Thanks. And I love the way you hung the chick waterer with the FF in it. I was going crazy this spring trying to figure out how to hang one.:he
The chick waterer with fermented in the base, is what I hung in the brooder. I would just fill the base with FF, it worked great for chicks. When I moved them to the coop, I didn't have anything else to use, so I moved it with them. Now I use two of these feeders in the coop for FF. I made key hole slots to hang them, so I can remove them easy to clean.


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