Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Wow, white Shamos. Truly magnificent. A little lower tail angle though and they're just perfect.

Hey Illia, I picked up a treo from W. Roberts a few months ago. I am fixing to set some eggs this week if the hen does not decide to go broodie soon. I also got what looks like a white or sport from another line I got supposed to be J. Zook fowl. He passed his whites to W. Roberts. I will get some pics of the stag I am referring to see what you think.
Let’s all try and keep the topic on fowl in this thread. When you use words like morality and civilized it smell of condescension and gives the impression that you somehow are on a moral high ground. However it always seems that those are the folks with the most to hide and the last that should be giving advice on being civilized or morality. Don’t mistake this for a personal attack on you but keep your judgments be it what they may be to yourself.

I must agree with this. Besides, the Forum rules specifically state that conversations about the "morality" of cockfighting (in which gameness would be included) will be shut down by the Moderators. Honestly, I'm surprised the conversation has gone this long without being shut down.

Let's all try to just move on. I don't want this thread shut down: it will just make people have even more misguided opinions of gamefowl breeders and of gamefowl themselves.

I've been lurking this thread since the begining and really respect the true preservationists of gamefowl. I'd hate to see this thread shut down because some people want to start a fight on things they will never agree upon. There are many other threads where their advice will be welcomed.

@ Gresh, You started, IMO, the most interesting thread on this site. Congrats on getting your bird and I wish you the best of luck. I hope to be getting my first orientals next week. Then I will have something to add to this thread, until then I hope to keep learning from it. Thank you for your own moderation of this thread. Blaine
I must agree with this. Besides, the Forum rules specifically state that conversations about the "morality" of cockfighting (in which gameness would be included) will be shut down by the Moderators. Honestly, I'm surprised the conversation has gone this long without being shut down.

Let's all try to just move on. I don't want this thread shut down: it will just make people have even more misguided opinions of gamefowl breeders and of gamefowl themselves.

My post does read as judgmental, and I apologize for that. If it's wrong or illegal, I've probably done it; and though I've been changed, certainly no saint today. My intent is to get all mention of breeding for game cleaned from this thread. There is no longer a way to contact the moderators about questioable posts that I can find, and I've yet to get an answer to my report of the difficulty of contacting a moderator and why I want to.

By the way, if you go to the early pages, you can find pics of my two Aseels, and you will know that the breeder of those two girls was not breeding for their looks. LOL I obtained them only for breeding into a homstead type, pasture ranging, meat bird, and their genes were too strong for that project.
Anyone can contact staff at any time simply by clicking the red flag in any post. If you wish to contact us but have nothing to report about a particular post, it is still fine to use any red flag. You will get a screen where you can type in your explanation, so it's simple enough to say, "I'm not reporting this post, but....." We have no problem with this.

Most people probably find a post by a moderator or administrator and PM them from their postbit. The BYC Website & Forum Feedback section might be the easiest place to find one of us, at least for those familiar with our names. If you know one of our names, you can type that in the search box; you will get "users" results, along with posts, etc. Or you can start typing it in a blank PM and let autofill complete it for you. I'm sure there are other ways people use; that's just what occurs to me at the moment.

There will no doubt be a centralized list of all of us at some point, but it's probably not the highest thing on our list of priorities right now, with all that is going on with this conversion.
Gresh, you have a PM...


OK. First, those who try and preserve the "game" breeds do not necessarily fight their birds, OK? As a responsible breeder of American pit bulls I have struggled very hard to retain the grit, determination, athletic ability and sheer heart that makes them the world's most amazing breed. If I bred only for "how they look" I would be breeding "shells", otherwise known as show type American Staffs. I sure as hell don't fight my dogs. "Breeding for game" is NOT the same as being a cockfighter. Just as breeding GOOD American pit bulls is not the same as being a dog fighter. The so called "game breeds" are under a very, very real threat of extinction from HSUS/PETA. And both organizations have stated clearly that their first step in ending pet ownership is to get "breed bans" in place. Because "pet animal people" so often have their heads up their arses when it comes to recognizing this very real threat in the guise of "animal welfare", they just look the other way when laws go into place to restrict how a bird can be housed, or how many roosters you can own.

Steve, you have no place on this thread if you want to get "all" mention of "game" cleaned from this thread. This is a thread about gamebirds. You might be surprised how many people want to preserve these birds who are not involved in fighting them. You, yourself take pride in saying that you sought out "game bred" birds for yourself - for your own purposes - but THATS ok... Well, maybe others have ideas too. The fact that you thought you could take game bred birds (thousands of years in the making) and make them into "pet rocks" in a couple of generations, well, I'm sorry to say it shows a real lack of understanding of animals/fowl/genetics. Without this being a personal attack (please consider it a "chiding"!) I'd have to say that you remind me of the am staff (and some pit bull people) who are the first to complain about "gameness", the first to assume they can remove 3 thousand years of selection with the wave of a hand, and also the first to proudly proclaim that THEY have "gamebred" animals - but of course not for fighting.

I'm very glad there is a young person interested in the preservation of these oldest of chickens. It's important. We've all been worried about the loss of wild species - now is the time to be worried about the loss of domestic species as well!

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