Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Gresh, you have a PM...

OK. First, those who try and preserve the "game" breeds do not necessarily fight their birds, OK? As a responsible breeder of American pit bulls I have struggled very hard to retain the grit, determination, athletic ability and sheer heart that makes them the world's most amazing breed. If I bred only for "how they look" I would be breeding "shells", otherwise known as show type American Staffs. I sure as hell don't fight my dogs. "Breeding for game" is NOT the same as being a cockfighter. Just as breeding GOOD American pit bulls is not the same as being a dog fighter. The so called "game breeds" are under a very, very real threat of extinction from HSUS/PETA. And both organizations have stated clearly that their first step in ending pet ownership is to get "breed bans" in place. Because "pet animal people" so often have their heads up their arses when it comes to recognizing this very real threat in the guise of "animal welfare", they just look the other way when laws go into place to restrict how a bird can be housed, or how many roosters you can own.

Steve, you have no place on this thread if you want to get "all" mention of "game" cleaned from this thread. This is a thread about gamebirds. You might be surprised how many people want to preserve these birds who are not involved in fighting them. You, yourself take pride in saying that you sought out "game bred" birds for yourself - for your own purposes - but THATS ok... Well, maybe others have ideas too. The fact that you thought you could take game bred birds (thousands of years in the making) and make them into "pet rocks" in a couple of generations, well, I'm sorry to say it shows a real lack of understanding of animals/fowl/genetics. Without this being a personal attack (please consider it a "chiding"!) I'd have to say that you remind me of the am staff (and some pit bull people) who are the first to complain about "gameness", the first to assume they can remove 3 thousand years of selection with the wave of a hand, and also the first to proudly proclaim that THEY have "gamebred" animals - but of course not for fighting.

I'm very glad there is a young person interested in the preservation of these oldest of chickens. It's important. We've all been worried about the loss of wild species - now is the time to be worried about the loss of domestic species as well!
I'm sure not everyone that loves games are breeding them for illegal purposes. I love game dogs, still have one that I know will hang on to anything, no matter how much punishment he absortbs, untill he's physically broken off of it. I do wish he could be outed with a verbal command, he's worthless for protrection training because it's not a game to him, but priceless for protection of my property. I intended him to be weight pull dog, but that just isn't his thing, though he was great at it when he wanted to be. He isn't much of a barker, and growls at people or dogs only if they try to touch him, me or are on my propertty without me there to let him know they're not a threat. I know he and my last female were dead game due to a mistake I made of letting them play unsupervised while I went in to get a cup of coffee. I do not own a real breaker bar because law enforcement considers one evidence that I'm fighting my dogs, so it took me 15 minutes to seperate them, and I thought she was dead. The second she regained consciosness, she hit the fence of the pen where I had laid her, trying to get back and finish it. For the rest of her life I had to keep them seperated unless she was in heat, and even then they needed close supervision. I will not go into my younger days, but you can see I know something of game mentallity in animals originally bred for the pit. I can legally test my dogs for game by hunting them, and would like to hunt hogs, but too crippled up to go down south and hunt hogs, and actually have no need of the level of game my dogs have. My last pup has never been tested for anything other than weght pulling, and though from dead game parents, may not have a lick of fight game in him............................ and I don't care.

These two little gals did not look like the real deal to me, and came from a neighbor who owns mostly hatchery stock. I wanted them for their meaty bodies[though too small] , hard feathers, color, and mothering instinct. It wasn't untill I observed them in my yard that I went back to find out where they came from. I have another neighbor who's retired from an illegal activity only because he's no longer sober enough to even care for the birds. These gals were bred for game and nothing else, so were of no use to me., They might have served as nice broodies if I still had them, but were bred too game for anything else I needed. Pit game can be bred only by testing to see if it's there. Either it's just a guess, or it's based on illegal testing on other game birds.
A thoughtful reply, but I will have to disagree with you on a couple things:

One, and this just may be me, but I can NOT tolerate a growly people mean pit bull. I can't tell you the number of pups I've culled because they have shown aggression toward a child (for no reason) or growled. To me the beauty of the pit bull is that it is NOT a "defensive" dog - it is not suspicious or guardy. It is way too confident for that. Think about the guardian breeds: they have to ride a fine line between "spooky" (which makes them suspicious, barky, and 'alert') and the confident dog who doesn't view someone walking up the path as a "threat". Defense = defend. And you only defend yourself against something you perceive as a threat.

I have several schutzhund titled pit bulls, and they are pretty worthless as "guard dogs". Like a good bulldog, they will grip what I tell them to grip, but on their own they love people. Why? Because they don't see them as a threat. A growly dog tells you he is afraid.The pit bull is WAY too much dog to have the be edgy... the press shows us what happens when unsound, people aggressive pit bulls fall into the hands of idiots.

You are correct to say that in order to absolutely verify that an animal is "pit game" it must be fought. And there in lies the HUGE challenge to those breed stewards today who wish to preserve the game animals LEGALLY. Is it possible? I hope so. All we can do is TRY. The game animals/fowl have faced MANY challenges in the past - how many times and in how many areas have they been banned before? In Merry Olde England cockfighting got flipped on and off like a switch depending on the religion of the area's leadership... but someone, somewhere had the good sense to preserve these animals through all those times.

You say you "don't care" if your pup is game at all. And that is certainly fine - as long as you are not a breeder. But if you are a breeder, than choose a breed which needn't be game as part of its breed type. (BTW, I'm sure you and I both agree that "game" does not, in dogs, mean 'fight crazy' because it sure doesn't.) I have never fought my dogs - nor will I ever, but I HAVE gone to extreme lengths to attempt to figure out ways to keep them honest - as best I can legally.

Anyway, thanks for the interesting discussion.
Alright folks, this thread has been under Staff review here. This thread is very much skirting on the edge of the rules here. As a reminder of the rules, we do not allow discussions of cockfighting - whether called by that name or by "gameness". If this thread continues to discuss fighting, it will be closed.

So back to the topic at hand - the qualities of these breeds.
where is every one?

I am going to have to put the cock on a tether now to let him out to graze. That suicidal game rooster of mine keeps putting himself in harm's way. I had to do a running dive to catch the shamo Sunday and body slammed myself to the ground. Provided great amusement for the people driving by......Oh, someone gave me 4 madagasgar (supposedly) eggs and they are under the shamo broody....we'll see!
I am going to have to put the cock on a tether now to let him out to graze. That suicidal game rooster of mine keeps putting himself in harm's way. I had to do a running dive to catch the shamo Sunday and body slammed myself to the ground. Provided great amusement for the people driving by......Oh, someone gave me 4 madagasgar (supposedly) eggs and they are under the shamo broody....we'll see!

Well if they are -
SO JEALOUS. and good luck
I am going to have to put the cock on a tether now to let him out to graze. That suicidal game rooster of mine keeps putting himself in harm's way. I had to do a running dive to catch the shamo Sunday and body slammed myself to the ground. Provided great amusement for the people driving by......Oh, someone gave me 4 Madagascar (supposedly) eggs and they are under the shamo broody....we'll see!

Hey Sharon, I would tether both cocks. If you tether just the Shamo that other one will come and sit at the end of the cord and fight the Shamo. They could get tangled in the tether. I would tether or pen both or make soup of that game mix the biggest dung hill bird could ruin a game cock if the the game cock is tethered and dunghill is loose.

those Madagascar games are on my list somewhere down the road (Doc if you are watching ). Hope your eggs hatch I believe that sunny Fl is probably best place for those little nudist. Glad to see your girls are brooding any shamo eggs?
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Hey Sharon, I would tether both cocks. If you tether just the Shamo that other one will come and sit at the end of the cord and  fight the Shamo. They could get tangled in the tether. I would tether or pen both or make soup of that game mix the biggest dung hill bird could ruin a game cock if the the game cock is tethered and dunghill is loose.

those Madagascar games are on my list somewhere down the road (Doc if you are watching ). Hope your eggs hatch I believe that sunny Fl is probably best place for those little nudist. Glad to see your girls are brooding any shamo eggs?

That little american game is good to stay out front and mind his own....the problem comes with the shamo catching him out and trying to kill him. He has no interest in anything besides his hens....and they are just my egg layers for eating. If these eggs hatch out madagascars...then I'll need more. I have the one broody shamo hen so only the other is laying but I am not setting any....maybe later.

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