Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

If you just have a few chickens as a hobby, and aren't used to dealing with gamefowl, wouldn't recommend them. If you get quality fowl, both the hens and cocks will cause you problems. Also, different breed makes no difference when it comes to fighting problems, especially if penned together where the other bird can't get away from it. The hens can be just as bad as the cocks too.
Mine aren't penned except at night.They have an acre they are free to roam, and segregate during the day into their little "cliques". I mostly wanted gamefowl because I heard the roosters don't generally have the attitude towards people that other breeds do. What about modern games or old english (not bantams)? Are they a better "beginner" gamefowl?
I know that they arn't a novice breed and about agression. I'm just trying to figure out which one to go with, if any one could offer any advice.
BTW, they would be hatchery stock, lol

Well, you wouldn't be able to range at all when they are mature. As far as oeg and moderns, those aren't really gamefowl, but in name only. Now if you get someone that has bred american game to an oeg standard, you will have game issues. BTW, when buying hatchery stock, all bets are off as especially when it come to oriental games, you won't get what they claim in the first place, let alone expect them to be game. To anyone wanting to start out with gamefowl, the first thing you need to do is research thoroughly to see if you are willing to do what needs to be done to keep them. That means penning birds up where they can't get to each other, and if you have other birds running loose, you will need to have sight barriers on the pens to keep the barnyards from pen fighting the gamefowl. You also need to be prepared to pen up all your young fowl when they become of age in the same manner. Even the hens many times can not be kept together if they have been separated for any amount of time. Now, if you are willing to go that far, I would look into a reputable breeder of Asil, not a hatchery, and not eggs off ebay. You can end up with birds that are a joy to have, very calm and personable to people, and excellent broodies. If you try to cut corners on getting birds though, or on your husbandry, it will be a bad experience. Also, don't expect them to lay enough where you can eat eggs, but they do butcher up well if that is your desire. Keep in mind though, if you are going to own games, and respect the breed as it should be, you need to breed for gameness. If any of this is an issue, I would suggest maybe a good line of cornish.
Well, you wouldn't be able to range at all when they are mature. As far as oeg and moderns, those aren't really gamefowl, but in name only. Now if you get someone that has bred american game to an oeg standard, you will have game issues. BTW, when buying hatchery stock, all bets are off as especially when it come to oriental games, you won't get what they claim in the first place, let alone expect them to be game. To anyone wanting to start out with gamefowl, the first thing you need to do is research thoroughly to see if you are willing to do what needs to be done to keep them. That means penning birds up where they can't get to each other, and if you have other birds running loose, you will need to have sight barriers on the pens to keep the barnyards from pen fighting the gamefowl. You also need to be prepared to pen up all your young fowl when they become of age in the same manner. Even the hens many times can not be kept together if they have been separated for any amount of time. Now, if you are willing to go that far, I would look into a reputable breeder of Asil, not a hatchery, and not eggs off ebay. You can end up with birds that are a joy to have, very calm and personable to people, and excellent broodies. If you try to cut corners on getting birds though, or on your husbandry, it will be a bad experience. Also, don't expect them to lay enough where you can eat eggs, but they do butcher up well if that is your desire. Keep in mind though, if you are going to own games, and respect the breed as it should be, you need to breed for gameness. If any of this is an issue, I would suggest maybe a good line of cornish.
Thank you for all the information.
I like the looks of games, and am most interested in the people friendly reputation they have, but I also like having a mixed flock. I will look into cornish, and I think also maybe cubalayas.
I have certainly enjoyed our cubalayas. But I am fascinated by the Asian games. I have been driving past a really neat population on visits to a friend's farm, and just tonight I got introduced so I could ask about the birds. The fellow said they were black japs. The hens are really neat, very leggy, with tight feathering and almost an asil looking head and neck. They look almost like Sumatras with their long tail held out behind them. His rooster had red saddle and hackle, and held his tail lower than an American game. They are definitely different from all the Hatch, Roundhead, Sweater etc that is common around here.
Get cubalayas, they're typically friendly toward people.
Lol, posted at the same time and just now saw your post. The only thing I'm concerned about with them is I've heard they are hard to pen. That they like to forage a big area and will clear fences easily with clipped wings? I only have an acre. Otherwise I think they may be the perfect chicken for me.

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