Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

I love my KOs.

I had read about them in the Schmudde book and thought they seemed interesting.

When I saw them for the first time i thought they were amazing - small, postured, primitive / rough looking and got a trio.

The are strictly bred for ornamental purposes, but if that works for you you might love them.

As a boy I used to raise mutation lovebirds but felt I was limited because I could not handle them / they would fly away.

The KOs rival the most beautiful cage birds and you can handle them and their offspring.

I've fallen in love with KO............
To me that is the proper eye color for a KO.

I call it yellow. Some people call it pearl. To me pearl would be white with a blue hue to it ( a color that is VERY difficult to get due to the fact the eye is filled with blood vessels).

He has an excellent short beak.

I like the fact that he does not have a whole lot of dewlap. Given the choice I would rather not have a sail under the throat but on the same note would not discard a bird just because of dewlap.


SHARP little dude! How old is he? He looks fairly young. Anyways, he has nice beak, barely noticeable wattles, good flat head and good eye color.

His eye color is yellow, not pearl. Its a good eye color for Ko. Yellow is good and accepted in the standards. Any darker than that or if that outer ring color starts to creep further in you won't have yellow. Pearl is very different. If you look at my photos, there is one there of a wheaten hen and white stag. The wheaten hen has pearl eyes. In person she still has blood vessels but the back ground and foreground of the eye are white, almost silvery. They white stag will end up with eye colored like your little cock bird.

In my KO, Oshamo, and Ganoi the best pearl color comes from eyes that start of greenish emerald as chicks....just something to keep in mind.
Paulo, my Ko hen finally hatched 2 chicks out in July. I hatched many more than that earlier using other hens to hatch the eggs.

That's good. She will get the hang of it but it was wise of you to hatch a few under Broodies, as i assume this was your only pair.

Honest.y, I don't hatch a ton of Ko. I now prefer to let the hens do the work, it keeps my youngsters from fighting and teaches the pullets properly. IMHO, I breed only my best to the best and the rest are culled. Fewer non-culls are gifted.
I do not know this person out of GA you speak of. I can assure you Suzann's has NEVER acquired Ko from GA.

Are you sure about that? Ask Suzanne.

BTW- Suzann's original imports also thru Blue Wheatens, Gingers, Blacks and Whites.

To the best of my knowledge. Suzanne's original birds were the "Brantly" birds. They only produced wheatens.

A later german importation yielded 2 pullets (I have pictures of them) that were crossed on "Brantly" males.

A later importation is where the blue wheatens came from. This may be where the whites and blacks and gingers came from as well.

But don't take my word for it - get the info straight from the source.

I have been away judging, but sometime today I will post some info that will straighten you out. I don't know where you are coming up with this stuff. You post like you are 12-14 yo.

BTW: are you the guy who had Ko's at Crossroads? The guy with the stained white Cornish?

Someone needs to learn some manners....

When you are an expert, you can be disrespectful. It is good to see an expert post, especially when he can't spell the peoples names right that he is talking about.

Go to HOME and then Ko Shamo on this site


They are BEAUTIES!!! Definitely the best I have seen in USA. Type-wise they are as good as any in the world. Excellent!" Julia Keeling
Breeder: Suzann Chung

And here we have Gems who thinks he has the best and thinks he knows all about them and no one else does. Expect a couple "mentors" to come and try to bail his sorry butt out now. Julia doesn't know anything about orientals. lol

I will post more later.

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