Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Some of my young Spangled pullets. I have them in with one of my Ko Shamo cockerels right now.

I lost one of my Spangled pullets this morning. Looks like she died laying and egg. She was laying right up from the egg. The egg had a lot of blood on it. It came a big snow storm here last night. We had 6 inches of snow here. We have not had that much snow here since the blizzard of 1993.
I lost one of my Spangled pullets this morning. Looks like she died laying and egg. She was laying right up from the egg. The egg had a lot of blood on it. It came a big snow storm here last night. We had 6 inches of snow here. We have not had that much snow here since the blizzard of 1993.
It's a shame you lost the pullet. Unless you house you birds far differently than I do....I better re-consider owning Oriental birds.
My little Ko Shamo pullet has acquired a taste for feathers. She has plucked half the feathers off one of my Ko Shamo cockerels. I moved her outside and put her in with a bunch of other chickens and she started doing the same thing to them. Is there anything to do to break her of this habit? I put Blue-Kote on the Chickens where she picked them and that did not stop her from picking them further, she just kept picking at them. I moved her to my pen that had the more dominant hens so maybe they will stop her.
Sorry again. I thought it was from this miserable weather. I have more than 2 feet of snow here with some drifting snow that is over 6 feet.

No it was not from the cold. It was only 29* here last night. She just had some complications laying the egg. I am glad it does not snow 2ft here. We mostly just get and inch or two when it does snow. Then it is usually gone by lunch time. Matter of fact most of that snow is already gone. It got up to 42* today. The funny thing is they are saying it will be close to 70* by next friday here. Can't wait for that!
First pullet at the APA Ko qualifying meet at Stockton CA.

Third pullet

Those are some GREAT birds!
She developed this habbit and she loves the blood of the new feathers .. that means she won't stop. My only suggestion is to turn her loose a week so she has no feather to pick on. About your hen that has complication when laying, if your cage is crowded, she may have fighting with others and damage her eggs system.

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