Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Oriental Bantam Project!!!

Can I see your hard feathered white Orientals?
Any breed Oriental Game as long as it is white.

These two chicks are from the same hatch. The chick on left appears much harder feathered than the chick on right.
I was thinking about ordering some chicks from purely poultry, but I've never been a fan of hatcheries. Plus it'd be my luck to watch them grow up together and run from eachother when they're growing up and learning how to fight. I don't fight mine, but those oxford OE games from McMurray were the prettiest and fastest runners ever, lol. My cochin roo used to chase them in the yard.
I saw some pics of a group of Sapian hens raised from purely poultry's stock, and they were big and beautiful, now I'm stuck on them.
This is my first year back with chickens, so I'm trying to keep only a few birds and not overwhelm myself with lines. I usually only keep about three lines anyways.
I have eight eggs from my grey hen, and she's been with Asils ever since I got her, so my fingers are crossed that she laid their eggs. If she somehow kept laying eggs from the grey she was with before, I wouldn't be disappointed. She acts like she'll go broody any day now.
I wouldn't order from a hatchery as they do no selective breeding nor Start with proven brood stock. Well unless you are just eating them
otherwise choose a breeder or breeders and breed what suites your purpose.
I wouldn't order from a hatchery as they do no selective breeding nor Start with proven brood stock. Well unless you are just eating them
otherwise choose a breeder or breeders and breed what suites your purpose.

Yeah. It's finally about time to pen my two Asil stags. They are fighting eachother to the point that they don't even stay in the same part of the yard anymore. I still haven't seen blood on them, but they did a number on the corded American game stags. I'm debating on whether to single mate the two, or put both pullets with one stag.
The little black stag is smart. I had to pen my roosters on cords, because he'd run up from behind, and attack the older roosters then stand at the perimeter and fight them. The red stag is a lot bigger, but more mellow, and I haven't seen him go out of his way to instigate a fight, unless it's over a hen, but he holds his own when he does.
The black stag is my favorite, small but meaty stag, his eyes are a lot lighter in color, and his smarts win me over.
Yeah. It's finally about time to pen my two Asil stags. They are fighting eachother to the point that they don't even stay in the same part of the yard anymore. I still haven't seen blood on them, but they did a number on the corded American game stags. I'm debating on whether to single mate the two, or put both pullets with one stag.
The little black stag is smart. I had to pen my roosters on cords, because he'd run up from behind, and attack the older roosters then stand at the perimeter and fight them. The red stag is a lot bigger, but more mellow, and I haven't seen him go out of his way to instigate a fight, unless it's over a hen, but he holds his own when he does.
The black stag is my favorite, small but meaty stag, his eyes are a lot lighter in color, and his smarts win me over.
I'm a fan of the smaller birds in the line. They do tend to be more of a thinker

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