Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

I just wanted to put that out there. You can't let Oriental breeds free range unless they are the only ones out there or are mated. Even then you may have a lethal fight. Real Shamo's will kill each other in a flock. Mine start fighting about about 3-4 weeks and have to be seperated from then on. I'm just letting you know that they are different from the run of the mill chicken and they are certainly not a flock chicken. They are really cool birds, but they are quite different from the average chicken.
........and don't name them.


I built an enclosed run and pen for my one o shamo and his two hens and his three araucana hens. It is on the other side of the house from my "regular" chickens. A couple of the hens are broody now and I faithfully collect those eggs every day....and eat them so I don't have another roo. I don't have the facilities nor the mentality for more than one! LOL ...but I REALLY like the o shamo and love having them and am willing to realize they are different and have specific needs.
I built an enclosed run and pen for my one o shamo and his two hens and his three araucana hens. It is on the other side of the house from my "regular" chickens. A couple of the hens are broody now and I faithfully collect those eggs every day....and eat them so I don't have another roo. I don't have the facilities nor the mentality for more than one! LOL ...but I REALLY like the o shamo and love having them and am willing to realize they are different and have specific needs.
The three araucana hens would toast here with the males I have.

I will find out if the myth of naming eating birds is true.... named all my current flock and my fav is chicken nugget! Mmmmm tasty!
And I will deff find a good reputable breeder before I get a shamo! May even travel xcountry for one!
Well I've got time to look! DW says I can't have no mo chickens till we buy some land..... lol now where to move....lol my yokohamas and sumatras come in next Thursday! Hatchery stock but I don't plan on showing them cept to my gramps who may wind up tryin to steal them for himself!
Gotta love the 90ish old man!
I thought Belle was your fav. Not sure if the kids would let us get by with out naming them... Maybe when we have an empty nest.
Took some pics yesterday thought I would share the Dom is out of the original batch of chicks and the white is one I got from William Roberts last fall

I love those whites. On a side note: how long does it take a cock to get used to the tether? As a rule...
I tried one on Bogart and I thought he was going to eat his leg off. I want to get him used to it soon.
Just wanted to show off my white Sanotal Asils at 2 months,
Love these birds, so calm & frindely, this is a trio, with more eggs in the battor.
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