Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Thank you Walt. Chick, Brazilian fowl come in any and all colors. The stag is what I would call a blue pumpkin, the pullet who knows.
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I've made my mind up! Once we buy our house I will begin my search for some GOOD GAME STOCK! Can we have fowl shipped here from the phillipenes? I got a battle buddy that moved there when he got out....
He's 13 months. My brother got another one from his friend today. He's a little younger than the ganoi. I'm pretty sure you can import chickens from Philippines.
Why would you want to get fowl from PI? I get hounded constantly from people from PI looking for our birds...lol!
yeah I think they are right about birds from PI. I have a few friends from there that are here now. They said that they have very little land there to keep chickens. Most of there fowls are from us.

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