Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

So now we have done our last candle, one looks more transparent than the rest, I have concern that we may have lost one recently. We have left it in for the duration of lock down. All seem to have good sized air cells.

Last water tray is filled, eggs are positioned with a bit of space around them and now to sit back, monitor and wait!

Three days to go.....watch this space!
We do have a digital camera, and a web cam on our PC but that is in another room.

I could set something up if I have to, but I will probably find myself in the office watching anyway hahahahaha. I'm not much of a morning person anyway. They are due Saturday evening / Sunday, and Monday is public holiday so I will be home anyway. Not that I will see much as I am sure there will be two kids heads and my wife's all taking up window space!

Already planning our next hatch with my home made, then we will leave it a few months and see how the two batches grow and what we get from them before we plan another two clutches. We have thought that two close together is better than one big one so we 'don't put all our eggs in one basket' hatch wise.

As for Mocha, she is still limping, she had nearly a week of staying remote, only getting up when she had to. She continued to eat and was not picked on by the other two healthy birds so we left her in. Yesterday she was a little more mobile. Still concerned, but relief at the same time as it is clearly not Marek's and is an actual foot issue. We are positive that she is on the mend but want to give it a little longer before we do anything drastic to the little GLW.
Oh boy, I think we made a newby mistake with our count.

I am hoping all will be OK but we were early with our lock down. We began our count from Day 1, not Day 0. What we thought was the PM of day 18, was actually the PM of Day 17.

From my understanding, the chicks could be at risk of drowning if the air cells has filled with water due to the higher humidity for the extra day.

Nothing we can do now except wait it out and see. Have also set the eggs with their x's facing up on the mesh, they move quiet easily so hopefully if they start to wiggle while we are not around we will see some evidence if the eggs roll over a bit.


I was testing my growing collection of thermometers, I forgot I had a good quality Fluke meter with a thermocouple. SO I have been testing it side by side with my other thermometers, man there are some varieties in readings. The new parts coming are also coming with a new temp/hygro as I did not have much faith in the cheap ones I already have, plus they came as part of a kit.

Anyway, here's hoping my DIY brooder has some occupants in the next few days!

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Well, will keep the fingers crossed on the hatch.. My broody New Hampshire, Red, she has successfully hatched 3 eggs last night. One egg has not pipped yet, I didn't here any chirps from it or scratching. I'll give it a few days yet. Shell let me know when she's done with it...

Also, love the brooder. That feeder is nice. Need something like that for my broody boxes.
Well, the last egg under my hen didn't hatch. I was pretty sure though, after candling it last night, that it had already died some days ago. Bummer. I am trying to start faverolles here... Well anyway, my hen disposed of it... Ick. BUT she is doing great with her chicks so far. She's a first timer. Sorry it's dark, but they were in the far corner of the broody coop and I had to use a flashlight just to get a pic. LOL

Ben I've read all the way through your journey and I'm exhausted and excited and worried... I guess feeling a tiny touch of what you all are feeling! Will stay close to this thread to see how your incubation went.... I'm rooting for you guys!
Thanks Horsenchkns.

It has been an adventure, some not so good but other have been exciting.

An update post wiggle. I had trouble sleeping last night so I read a good book, it was about 2am when I thought I would check the temp just one more time (it's cooling off at night here now) low and behold....THERE A HOLE IN A SHELL!

I woke the wife up and we both gathered around the incubator peering in for nearly an hour. We hear our first cheeps and another egg rolled right over.

this morning was another watch-a-thon, two more pipped this morning and the 'roller' had made another break for it over night as the egg was further away than before.

None have progressed much further than cracking the shell, the first has made the hole a little bigger, we can see it's beak and hear it cheep, but all seem quiet now. I am guessing they are having a lunch break.

I am starting to worry about the lack of progress the past hour or so, but reading up, it can take 24 hours from pip to hatch so I think I just have to settle my nerves down a bit and find some more patience.

Tonight/tomorrow we are hoping to see some damp smudges staggering around.

Edit; a late night shot I got on my phone.

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