We got a serama pullet last week and she wants to be with is 24/7!!! She chirps NONstop unless she is passed out. It’s cute, but kind of annoying LOL She will chase you down and fly on you to be held. I’ve never had an indoor chicken, but here we are...with an indoor chicken. She wants nothing to do with the other chickens and cries when we put her in the run with the others.


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Friendly chickens are the best. We had a few very friendly chickens in our flock and we somehow trained them without having any idea we were doing so. Our entire flock is well trained(though sometimes rebellious) and usually follow commands(but sometimes try to get away with mischief). You are blessed when your chickens prefer your company over that of their flock.
We got a serama pullet last week and she wants to be with is 24/7!!! She chirps NONstop unless she is passed out. It’s cute, but kind of annoying LOL She will chase you down and fly on you to be held. I’ve never had an indoor chicken, but here we are...with an indoor chicken. She wants nothing to do with the other chickens and cries when we put her in the run with the others.

These are both REALLY fabulous photos!!!
Hi there, this is my first time trying to post so I hope that I'm writing this in the right forum and I apologize for the length.

So, I have a flock of eight chickens, all of them almost two months old and they were all raised together. All of them are very tame, but one of them stands out. Since the very first day we got them, one of the little chicks was very overly attached, especially to humans. She cried CONSTANTLY. If someone wasn't holding her, she only cried louder. Whenever someone were to reach into their living area to give them to food and such, she was right there trying to force herself into your hand head first. If you didn't pick her up when you told her to, she had a fit about it. If she tried to cuddle with another chick and they just walked away, she had a fit about that too.

Now that she's a bit older, she isn't quite as bad, but still bad reguardless. When you pick her up, she immediately begins to rub her face against you or nibble on your arm as if she were trying to groom you. If they're outside free-ranging and you come to sit down, she runs right over to sit on your lap and never, ever tries to walk or run away when you come to pick her up to put her away. She just happy chirps while you're picking her up. It's cute at times, but other times it's genuinely concerning. Even the day that we bought her, the woman who gave her to us warned us that something was off about her. Even as I right this, she's sleeping on my lap inside the house because I was petting another one of the chickens and she got jealous and forced herself over.

I'm not really sure what to think of this. Is she alright, and does anyone else have a chicken like this? Is it possible for her to have some sort of mental disorder that makes her act this was or am I over reacting about this?
I have a 5 month I have raised since an egg and she is very friendly with me as well. She wants to be with me all the time. Now that is she is starting to lay she does want to be with her flock now so that has taken some pressure off of me. It is kind of nice because when I need to pick her it is very easy. I like having them very friendly. Makes for a happier coop. Even my rooster is easy to handle. Be happy she loves you. l carry her around when I am doing my chores and she is happy with that attention and then I put her down and she is satisfied.
I have four, two Buff Orps (Big Bird and Little Bird), a GL Wyandotte (Callie Chick) and a Black Australorp (White Butt - don’t ask. It wasn’t me). They prefer each other, come running for food but are wary, and must be caught to be taken outside. BOs and Australorps are supposed to be very docile (and they are) but I want my chickies to like me! They are six weeks.

I talk to them and call them for food every day, so I hope it gets better.
Very recently I lost one of my most tame roosters that's about as tame as you describe however he never did jump into my lap. He didn't mind being picked up and set in my lap and if he was given treats he made these happy sounding clucks while eating. hopefully I'll be able to hatch another moonnight. most of my chickens are Ameriaucanas however one is a white leghorn that acts like the cat runs in for the cat food. and the other his a hybrid of the two breeds. since this is the rooster level pecking order, which is smaller making it easier to confirm, I think the cause of such over friendliness is that they're lower off on the pecking order, something I've noticed with friendlier hens.
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