Pantry-palooza collection of my hybrids


My Mom’s Chocolate chip, oatmeal recipe received a serious tweaking.

Didn’t have brown sugar, oh well.. used regular sugar and poured an approximate 2.5-3tbsp of molasses & that’s Himalayan pink salt too in the ziplock bag cropped in the top of the pic.

Then, Added : extra eggs, craisins, crushed walnuts, flax seed meal, View attachment 3301743pumpkin purée, pumpkin pie spice and extra cardamom, unsweetened coconut flakes.

The picture is showing the color with pumpkin as the last ingredient to add before it went into the fridge for the night (last night).

Fresh outta the oven & cooling… cup of milk waiting… Mom’s cookie jar too…

Now, I have done the simple salsamus mix many times already & I dare say there is a picture or two in the threads around here…

Well, here’s the evolution.
Part 1:
Mix 60/40 up to 80/20 salsa/humus


Part 2:
Mixed to taste was a whole avocado
A small dash of cayenne
Several shakes of Paprika (hot)
~1-2 tsp of the minced garlic
~1-2 tsp of lemon juice

50/50 of part 1 + part 2 = yum!

Now, I have done the simple salsamus mix many times already & I dare say there is a picture or two in the threads around here…

Well, here’s the evolution.
Part 1:
Mix 60/40 up to 80/20 salsa/humus

View attachment 3319040

Part 2:
Mixed to taste was a whole avocado
A small dash of cayenne
Several shakes of Paprika (hot)
~1-2 tsp of the minced garlic
~1-2 tsp of lemon juice
View attachment 3319045

50/50 of part 1 + part 2 = yum!

View attachment 3319044
I'll pass. :oops:
Chicken soup

~2 lbs of boneless chicken breast meat
(Kroger mgr special discount)
3/4 of a giant bag of baby kale (I froze the bag about 2 months back)
A ~20oz bag of frozen veggies Normandy
2 1qt ziplock bags of previously chopped onion & peppers (been in the bottom of the freezer at least since the beginning of Covid)
~1 heaping tbsp of turmeric
~1 heaping tbsp of lemon & herb seasoning
~1 cup of well water

Cooked the chopped onion & peppers with chicken in the instapot for about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile the baby kale and the Normandy veggies sat in the crockpot in “warm” during that 20+ minutes.

After about 30 minutes switched the crockpot to “low” and chopped up the chicken to be added to the crockpot. Added ~1/2 cup more water when adding the onions & peppers on top of the chicken. Left the crockpot for at least 3+ hrs….

Smells fantastic…


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