Pekin Duck Club!

On being trained. We have two lovely girls about to turn one on Easter. Instead of having food always available, they come up on their deck and demand a meal or a snack. They do this several times throughout the day after they get bored from free ranging. At bed time, I step over their fence to put them to bed. Amelia goes right into their coop at this point but Gladys just waddles over to the entrance and lays down. You have to pick her up and place her inside. They have trained themselves though too. As soon as it starts getting a little dusk like, they are on the deck and next to the house. Smart ducks.
I have four beautiful Pekin ducks! I hatched two of them two years ago which make them very special to me since they were the first ducklings I ever hatched by myself. They're great little guys, very friendly and they are comedians! The only thing I don't like about ducks is how messy they are. If they were half as messy as they are then I think they would be about as perfect as a pet could get(;

These are some picture of the clan. I have Aflac, Kelso, Pedro, and Bon Jovi.

This is a picture of Aflac, Kelso, and Squirttle(she passed away sadly). Playing in mud puddles, one of their favorite hobbies!

Playing in another Mud puddle... They have a giant pond to swim in and three different pools yet they prefer to swim and play in mud puddles that are only a fe inches deep. I'll never understand it.

That's if for now. I have hundreds of pictures of them! I just don't feel like uploading anymore photos.
Pekin Duck Club Members List:











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I have four beautiful Pekin ducks! I hatched two of them two years ago which make them very special to me since they were the first ducklings I ever hatched by myself. They're great little guys, very friendly and they are comedians! The only thing I don't like about ducks is how messy they are. If they were half as messy as they are then I think they would be about as perfect as a pet could get(;

These are some picture of the clan. I have Aflac, Kelso, Pedro, and Bon Jovi.

This is a picture of Aflac, Kelso, and Squirttle(she passed away sadly). Playing in mud puddles, one of their favorite hobbies!

Playing in another Mud puddle... They have a giant pond to swim in and three different pools yet they prefer to swim and play in mud puddles that are only a fe inches deep. I'll never understand it.

That's if for now. I have hundreds of pictures of them! I just don't feel like uploading anymore photos.
Welcome and thanks for sharing pics of your ducks! Feel free to share as many as you'd like :)
I'd like to be added. I have 4 Pekin Ducks. Lucy, Linus, and Pepperment Patty and a duckling that has yet to get a name (he's only 6 weeks old). Thank you
Welcome!!! I love your Pekins names hah I would end up calling the little one Woodstock or another Peanuts character :).

P.S. I added you to the group! Feel free to post pics, stories, duck egg recipes, etc. :)
I've heard of the Little Giant. How has your hatch rate been?
This is only mt second hatch. My first went bad, but I didnt have a humidity gauge so I'm pretty sure thats what happened. In the first hatch I ordered eggs off ebay, it wasony 6 and 1 hatched. When they hatched I found out the person sent me mixed breed eggs and not pure breed like I order. Oh well though, Shifu ( the roune/pekin mix) turned out to be pretty cool.
That's why I'm nervous about mine. It's handmade and never been used. I hope this second time around works well for you :)

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