Pekin Duck Club!

And what is the best way to get her weight? The difference isn't as noticeable as when your holding them.
No, you hold them and then step on your scale. Then you subtract your actual weight, to get the ducks weight. Does that make sense? You weigh yourself holding the duck on your bathroom scale.
They are so pretty!  She looks like a healthy weight to me - she will definitely benefit from a healthier diet, but she doesn't look overweight.  Have you tried weighing her yet?  When we need to get a quick weight of a duck we will weigh ourselves on our bathroom scale, then weigh ourselves on the scale while holding the duck.  Some quick math - and you have the weight.  We should just buy a small animal scale - but this will do for now. 

Thank you. I adore them. Especially my drake, I've had him since he was a baby. I need to get a scale, I don't have, it was never my concern that she's obese, I'm paranoid he's too thin. He is only 6 months old when she's a year n a half old.
My Runner is very thin. He is maybe a 2 on the scale. He is very healthy, and has a robust appetite, but he is very active - and will always let the ladies forage first while he watches to make sure they are safe.
My Runner is very thin.  He is maybe a 2 on the scale.  He is very healthy, and has a robust appetite, but he is very active - and will always let the ladies forage first while he watches to make sure they are safe. 

Same with jojo, he eats a lot of veggies and is constantly running around. I guessed around a 2, I'm overly paranoid since his previous mate passed a few months ago. He almost completely quit eating duck feed since then but he annihilates everything else.
Same with jojo, he eats a lot of veggies and is constantly running around. I guessed around a 2, I'm overly paranoid since his previous mate passed a few months ago. He almost completely quit eating duck feed since then but he annihilates everything else.

She really does look fine. I was starting to wonder if she wasn't a Pekin. They both look absolutely fine.
She really does look fine. I was starting to wonder if she wasn't a Pekin. They both look absolutely fine. ;)

Thanks, I was truly worried about him. He eats veggies and protein and rice but still stays away from duck feed, if I mix dried mealworms in the feed he will pick to get them. This has been going on since Charlie died and I know he's lost weight, he's beautiful but I would just die if something happened to him. If he didn't run around like a nut i would be flipping out.
I guess he don't look different than before. If you look at the pics of him and then look at my avatar which is him n charlie. He's the one on the right. He looks like the same jojo. Maybe I'm just overly worried which I am.
I guess he don't look different than before. If you look at the pics of him and then look at my avatar which is him n charlie. He's the one on the right. He looks like the same jojo. Maybe I'm just overly worried which I am.
They are both beautiful and look healthy.I truly understand when we lose one we fret about the other one/s.Maybe since Jo Jo eats more veggies than duck feed he is slimmer because of it. But he looks great. They look like a matched pair. And Lily is a mature duck so that makes a difference in what your seeing to.

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