Permethrin dust and..... cats


Jun 22, 2020
New York
I was wondering how many of you have cats and use poultry dust? Were the cats okay?

My broody unfortunately has a case of lice. I was originally concerned about the use of permethrin as I have two indoor/outdoor cats. so far I’ve tried a tea tree oil solution which seems to have brought the infestation down, but definitely wasn’t a permanent solution.

A better solution would be to bathe my broody, but I don’t know whether this would affect her broodiness at this point.

I’ve also looked into sevin dust...
which is apparently carcinogenic.

So I’ve come full circle back to permethrin dust. After more googling, it seems that reports of poisoning in cats are more or less isolated to negligent owners applying dog products containing permethrin on their cats.

This article
claims that it is fine to use for felines in low dosages, which gives me hope that my two cats would not be affected by the dusted broody upon casual contact.

So now I’m a little hopeful that there IS an easy solution to this after all!

Just wanted to hear personal experiences... So I can get this live situation resolved asap!

(professional opinions are also welcome!)
Are there cats in the chicken coop?
No, but they do hang out around the run, and they like to tease the chickens when they are out to free range. The dust bath is in the front garden, but I can cover that.

The broody in question is indoors and will be allowed out once her chicks hatch. Most if their time would be spent in an indoor brooder.

I only plan on dusting the broody since she hasn’t been in contact with the other chickens.
No, but they do hang out around the run, and they like to tease the chickens when they are out to free range. The dust bath is in the front garden, but I can cover that.

The broody in question is indoors and will be allowed out once her chicks hatch. Most if their time would be spent in an indoor brooder.

I only plan on dusting the broody since she hasn’t been in contact with the other chickens.
I think that if you keep the broody/brooder in a closable room (which they probably should be anyway, because cats+chicks don't mix) and make an effort to keep the cats separate when mama/chicks are out, you should be fine.
I had a NF mite problem last fall. I started with permethrin spray but the temperatures dropped before the mites disappeared.

I do not have access to permethrin powders so substituted that for 95%+ sulfur powder. My mites disappeared after two dustings and using the sulfur in my dust baths. I suspect that the spray helped with the eradication but definitely believe the sulfur also contributed.

Sulphur powder is usually available at feed stores and is cheap!
If you have found Sulphur powder effective in the past, and have felines, strongly recommend that be your first effort.

Permethrin naturally breaks down on the skins of all mammals, and what tiny amount is absorbed through the skin (0.5% typically) is then broken down and processed by the liver. Its why permethrin is put on clothes, not ourselves, when we use it for tick protection - we are dangerous to it, far more than it is to us. Unfortunately, felines are unique among mammals in having very low concentrations of the enzymes that make that reaction so rapid in the rest of mammals. They also have relatively low body mass, and are more sensitive to environmental exposures for that reason. Best if be avoided if possible.
I had a NF mite problem last fall. I started with permethrin spray but the temperatures dropped before the mites disappeared.

I do not have access to permethrin powders so substituted that for 95%+ sulfur powder. My mites disappeared after two dustings and using the sulfur in my dust baths. I suspect that the spray helped with the eradication but definitely believe the sulfur also contributed.

Sulphur powder is usually available at feed stores and is cheap!

Thank you :love I’m glad I asked on here, I didn’t even know it was an option!

Will look for sulfur powder tomorrow :)

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