Permethrin spray

hello is there a waiting period on eating the eggs after spraying Permethrin 11 on the chicken and if so how long is the waiting period and i have so much left of the Permethrin 11 it say 2oz per 3gallons of water! i have only 13 chickens and one coop/ rabbit barn/ dog house and i used only 1 gallon of of the 3 gallons can i save the other 2 gallows or what and i need to know about the eggs ty
You can save the unused spray. I've had a bottle well over a year and it is still effective.

No idea about waiting period, but if I had to guess I'd say no, based on how permethrin works. I can put it on my clothes and is still effective up to 6 washes, so it's not likely to be wearing off their feathers.
That's great news!

We have one adult Turkey named Hazel. Yes she did get a life long reprieve from landing on the Thanksgiving table.
Anyway... Recently in the last 3 weeks Ive noticed her incessant pecking under her Left wing. just the left. She is missing several feathers where she itches. We have 5 ducks and they don't show any pecking or scratching under their wings or feathers. Is there anything I can put in her feed to get rid of any lice if she has them.
Its been an awful weather in Minnesota this winter. Maybe she's under stress?
Please let me know of any suggestions. She is not catchable!!
Ugh...51 pages......
Permethrin 10 from TC .
So i read 10 ml per 1/2 gallon to spray on birds.
Is this the mix for spraying coops and yard as well or do we add a bit more?
@WilliamC, I don't know the answer. If you don't get an answer in a day or so, start a new thread with your question. Since this is an old thread, you might not get a response.
It seems very safe and people spray it right on the birds. A few in here with a mix that was a bit high. Just my first time doing a spray so just making sure!
We've used 15 ml. per half gallon water, especially on the coop walls, and some on the birds. Total volume per bird, we aren't saturating every inch of each bird either.
Wear that N95 face mask, long sleeves and pants, gloves, and shower and wash everything when you are done.
No cats in the coop until after everthing is dry!
Ugh...51 pages......
Permethrin 10 from TC .
So i read 10 ml per 1/2 gallon to spray on birds.
Is this the mix for spraying coops and yard as well or do we add a bit more?
You can make it stronger or really soak the coops to get enough on the roost.

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