Picking a Rooster


Apr 23, 2020
If you had to pick a Rooster what breed would you get and why? For me I'm trying to decide. I ordered 15 pullets, 8 RIR and 7 EE. They will free range during the day, on 10 acres. Flock protection is great but we also have 3 small children so I need something thats not too nasty. I realize I may get a rooster in with the mix, but I also am not apposed to finding one.
My black cochin is a big baby. He's HUGE but a dope lol. I don't have a heavy predator issue so I don't know how protective he is really. He isn't polite to his ladies. He prefers to get his own snackies before them, but he's very gentle to them otherwise.
if you want a good protective roo go with rhode island red...
I was going to suggest RIR. I know some folks have issues with aggression from them, but I had a good one last time I had chickens- sweet with me and the kids, not afraid to teach the neighbor's cat that our yard was not a safe place. We didn't have any other predators to speak of there, so I can't say how he'd be with larger animals.
Thanks guys. I was worried maybe a RIR would be too aggressive around the kids. I do realize each is an individual. We manage 3 stallions, so I understand the testosterone and personality side of things.
It's easiest to raise cockerels in a flock including mature hens, at least. Consider getting some straight run chicks next spring and raising some cockerels, so you have some to choose.
As far as breed differences are concerned, there are some very general trends to think about.
RIRS, the orange ones from hatcheries, are often not so nice. Salmon Favorelles tend to be very sweet. My white Chanteclers from Cackle have all been good. If only one rooster, one of the big game types would be a consideration, they tend to be okay with people.
Small children are difficult, because they tend to be too active, scream a lot, and are at face level to standard sized birds. This can be a bad combination and annoy many roosters...
No rooster can defend against serious predators! It's great to have them, but they will die too if a predator shows up.
Will you want to raise chicks? Then choose a breed that fits with your flock goals.

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