Please help me find out what happened to my girl

I'm sorry for your loss.

Unless you saw what happened it would just be a guess. I agree with @cavemanrich that it looks like a predator attack of some sort. Whether the dog or something else got a hold of her and pulled the skin off.
Could she have been pulled head first through wire?

Just have to ask, did you find the feathers and skin?

A few peck marks at the top of the head or on the skin were likely exploratory pecking by the flock. If she were cannibalized, then the muscle, fat, tissue would have shown signs of picking/ripping, not smooth like it is with just the skin and feathers removed.

My 2¢
I'm sorry for your loss.

Unless you saw what happened it would just be a guess. I agree with @cavemanrich that it looks like a predator attack of some sort. Whether the dog or something else got a hold of her and pulled the skin off.
Could she have been pulled head first through wire?

Just have to ask, did you find the feathers and skin?

A few peck marks at the top of the head or on the skin were likely exploratory pecking by the flock. If she were cannibalized, then the muscle, fat, tissue would have shown signs of picking/ripping, not smooth like it is with just the skin and feathers removed.

My 2¢
I didn't see anything. I'm just trying to figure out what could have happened so it hopefully doesn't happen again. I didn't see physical bites, cuts or scratches on her neck which I found to be odd. I didn't find signs of a struggle, feathers or skin. Feathers just looked to be plucked in some areas but like you said, it could have been done by the other chickens after the attack on my little Petunia. Nothing on my dog either. It's just so odd and I hate not knowing.
Not 100% sure, but I could imagine my dogs getting a hold of the bird and ripping it’s feathers off. As they’re yorkie sized dogs I know their teeth and dull and won’t leave a lot of indentation. My bet is on the dog. I’m very sorry for your loss :(

I also know that my dogs haven’t attacked my birds, but they really want a piece of that. So I keep them away since I acknowledge they will take the opportunity to attack if able to. Randomly at that, since I’ve had bantams for years. It’s just instinct.
Not 100% sure, but I could imagine my dogs getting a hold of the bird and ripping it’s feathers off. As they’re yorkie sized dogs I know their teeth and dull and won’t leave a lot of indentation. My bet is on the dog. I’m very sorry for your loss :(
My 60lb pound dog got one of my chickens and there was no head just body that does not look like a dog attack
Not 100% sure, but I could imagine my dogs getting a hold of the bird and ripping it’s feathers off. As they’re yorkie sized dogs I know their teeth and dull and won’t leave a lot of indentation. My bet is on the dog. I’m very sorry for your loss :(

I also know that my dogs haven’t attacked my birds, but they really want a piece of that. So I keep them away since I acknowledge they will take the opportunity to attack if able to. Randomly at that, since I’ve had bantams for years. It’s just instinct.
☹️. Do you think they'd be strong enough to skin my poor girls? Would she have eaten the skin and feathers? I didn't find any feathers. Checked my dog's house, play area, mouth and face. No signs of skin or feathers. I'm just wondering if she could have gone over to the neighbor's and got attacked there or another predator.
☹️. Do you think they'd be strong enough to skin my poor girls? Would she have eaten the skin and feathers? I didn't find any feathers. Checked my dog's house, play area, mouth and face. No signs of skin or feathers. I'm just wondering if she could have gone over to the neighbor's and got attacked there or another predator.
I doubt it was her but you will know just watch her poop
I bet it was the big chickens, I have had two chicks scalped before. One was just hatched under a broody and the other was a few weeks old.

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