Poodle Cupcake - Online Recipe Contest - Check it out and vote!


15 Years
Dec 14, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Hey all!

I entered a cupcake contest, winner is one with MOST VOTES. Money would be used for a hobby event that I'm holding, had to rent out a banquet hall and I'm giving out these fab rosettes to winners. Totally not for profit. All my hobby friends are voting but it's still not enough! Cost to rent hall and buy rosettes this year were $1200. Winner of this contest gets $300 which would help a lot.

I'm getting the pants beat off of me because I'm not on Facebook - I guess if you click on this and after voting, there is a button that says "Share" it posts it to your Facebook, and if you do that, all people have to do is hit "Like" to vote!

If you have a moment, please check out this cutie, and feel free to "Share" on your Facebook page! I still need about 100 votes to get second, and almost 150 to win.

Plus, LOTS of cool recipes for Cupcakes on this page!



Find the poodle, vote, and please share if you are on Facebook!


Thanks for voting!

And DOUBLE-THANKS for Sharing on Facebook!!!

What is really weird is that since it's all about votes, the current "winners" are kind of ummm . . . ???

#1 is the one on the neon yellow plate taken from far away, on a wooden counter. The #2 one looks like a Hostess Cupcake? I tried to make mine really *NEAT* and worked on it all day, and now I'm getting the pants beat off of me by a Hostess Cupcake in a Tupperware bowl! LOL! Because my hobby friends are helping, I'm about at 5th place, which is really good, but the efforts of Hostess Cupcake Person and Neon Plate Person are superhuman!

Those people must have a TON of Facebook friends! WOW. I have *no idea* how they are doing it?

I really wish this had been a regular "judged" contest. I might have had a real shot, fair and square. I worked hard on my entry! But rules just say "most votes wins".

Thanks for helping me out!
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I started to try it the other day - because my friend posted some photos up there, I guess, and I wanted to go see them. But then it turns out signing up wasn't enough, you have to do a profile, and then "invite" your friends, be accepted or something . . . and yikes! It's like a whole procedure! I guess I kind of thought if you were on there, you could just see everything, sort of like how we can read everything on BYC in all the forums?

So it's definately something I'll need to figure out, my sister and friends say it's no big deal, just seems kind of intimidating to me? I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually - a bunch of friends want me to join - but it's like one more thing to have to learn, ha ha! Seems kind of time consuming to set up the whole profile and stuff? And then I won't understand it for a while, my sister talks about things like a "wall" and "feed"? Oh boy . . . . got a lot to figure out!


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