Poorly Toulouse Goose


Jun 10, 2018
Co. Offaly, Ireland
This is a long story so please bear with me. I have a pair of Dewlap Toulouse Geese which I got on May the 13th called Sid and Nancy. They are lovely natured and provide us with entertainment whenever we sit down in the yard to watch them. A week ago Nancy got attacked by a Mink at night, or we think it was a mink, and her neck had lost a lot of its feathers and she had two puncture wounds. I guess Sid must have intervened as she was alive and as we all know, Mink like to kill. We cleaned her wounds with a mild Hydrogen Peroxide solution and my partner made her an electrolyte and some Goose gruel from recipes that she found online. Nancy's neck was badly swollen and her movement severely limited so we fed and watered her gently and brought the pair of them indoors at night time. She was making good progress and you could see her reaction about 10 minutes after a feed, she would be feeding, drinking, getting in and out of the pond, in fact, she was almost back to her usual self. This morning when my partner walked the geese out of the house she noticed something wrong. Nancy's head, the sides of her beak, below her beak were badly swollen. She was very lethargic even after her first feed and literally doesn't want to move. When she does move she is very unsteady on her feet almost like she was drunk. She doesn't appear to have any issues with her eyes and there is no sign of her scratching them, her breathing and her feet are the same as Sids.

After doing some online searches I found this wonderful site where people obviously love and value their pets, so if any of you can help me with Nancy I would very much appreciate it and we are looking for a Vet in the county that specialises in fowl.

Thank you for reading.
This is a long story so please bear with me. I have a pair of Dewlap Toulouse Geese which I got on May the 13th called Sid and Nancy. They are lovely natured and provide us with entertainment whenever we sit down in the yard to watch them. A week ago Nancy got attacked by a Mink at night, or we think it was a mink, and her neck had lost a lot of its feathers and she had two puncture wounds. I guess Sid must have intervened as she was alive and as we all know, Mink like to kill. We cleaned her wounds with a mild Hydrogen Peroxide solution and my partner made her an electrolyte and some Goose gruel from recipes that she found online. Nancy's neck was badly swollen and her movement severely limited so we fed and watered her gently and brought the pair of them indoors at night time. She was making good progress and you could see her reaction about 10 minutes after a feed, she would be feeding, drinking, getting in and out of the pond, in fact, she was almost back to her usual self. This morning when my partner walked the geese out of the house she noticed something wrong. Nancy's head, the sides of her beak, below her beak were badly swollen. She was very lethargic even after her first feed and literally doesn't want to move. When she does move she is very unsteady on her feet almost like she was drunk. She doesn't appear to have any issues with her eyes and there is no sign of her scratching them, her breathing and her feet are the same as Sids.

After doing some online searches I found this wonderful site where people obviously love and value their pets, so if any of you can help me with Nancy I would very much appreciate it and we are looking for a Vet in the county that specialises in fowl.

Thank you for reading.

100% she has an infection. You can try to treat it yourself (as many people here would suggest) however i would not.

You must take her to the vet or else she will pass.

Clearly you spent a decent amount of money on these dewlaps so the thought of additional expenses is something you knew would have happened eventually.

Play it safe or something you're going to regret in the long run.
My sis-in-law had a pair of imprinted cayuga drakes that got attacked by mink. Injuries sound almost identical. They were seen within 12 hours of attack by the vet. The vet was able to irrigate and clean wounds (one needed stitches), prescribed baytril (antibiotic) and meticam (pain relief). Both boys recovered 100%. I expect it will be more challenging to treat your goose since injury not recent, but geese respond very well to antibiotics and overall are amazingly resilient.

Good luck!!

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