Post your FIRST EGG pics!

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That is sooo great! What breed? That is amazing that your first egg hatched!

Its a little pekin from these two

I wasn't sure if they would know it was their baby if I showed it to them!?
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we have 3 golden links and 1 RIR, we rehomed the rooster last week. Yesterday at 17 weeks we got our first 2 eggs. White one is a storebought xl. This morning there were 2 soft shelled eggs in a different spot.I'm guessing that means all 4 cylinders are firing!
We got our first egg today! I'm pretty sure it's from Big Betty, our biggest and most mature chicken, she's a Delaware x Hampshire. We're so excited! We've been waiting 5 long months for this day.


This morning, 7/20/2014, our buff orpington, Buffy, laid her/our first egg!!! She's 26 weeks old, two weeks older than the other three, which are of different breeds. It's perfect and much darker than I thought it would be. Yesterday Hubby said he thought she was trying. She held her tail higher and seemed to be pushing. I told her to go into the coop and into the nest box, and she DID! She came right back out, though. Then this morning, there it was! She had moved the wooden eggs aside! YAY!
I was so excited I took three pictures of it! It's small, but perfect. The camera isn't showing how dark it is. As a "right of passage" hubby hung the "Fresh Eggs" sign on the coop and set out the rooster statue holding up a sign that says, "Hot Chicks Inside". They will all enjoy a new head of cabbage hung up in the their run, too! I'm so terribly pleased!!!
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