Poultry cups with 5 gallon bucket for waterer-anyone tried this?

I used these cups years back in cages that I used for grow out cages after the brooder. They had a tendency to get stuck & go dry for me. I had them outdoors in a coveredd but open shed. Maybe too much dust or grit but I had to check them constantly. I have really hard well water too so maybe it was my problem. I am using the nipples now & they seem to work really well for the small chicks on PVC pipe, but I switch to growout pens with buckets & nipples after than. Once the chicks get some growth the start jumping around & hitting the PVC pipe nipples & causing them to leak..
Something I have been thinking about. This is a 2 gallon bucket. It seems as though to me that with an aquarium heater in the bucket (5gal even) this should be nearly freeze proof. I have not yet put a heater into a bucket of water and then put it all of it into a freezer to test but that should probably be done. It would be far better to test it in actual winter where the heater would not affect the temperature in a confined freezer.

This apparatus could not hang from above unless it is made very secure from swinging.


More than one cup could be put on a bucket. I have come up with a way to keep the cup closer to the bucket to prevent obvious problems. Those parts will noty be here until Monday however.


With any type cup litter getting into them is a problem.

I could become the Ron Poepeil of poultry watering!

That's similar to the idea I originally had but then saw that the stores selling them use the pipe. I guess being able to disconnect the bucket from the pipe might be handy but I'm not sure what for yet.
I have the cups run through all of my cages. I use them with my bantams,quail, and young birds before hitting the ground.They have worked really well for me,even being on well water.I dont use a 5 gallon bucket,however my setup is pretty much similar without having to manually fill my bucket.I have a heavy duty horse bucket on top of the coop.It is hooked up to the actual water pump (via PVC pipe) with a float on the inside for water level.I have a turn off knob just before the bucket,so that I can turn it off if I need to drain the lines,administer meds/electrolytes,or cleaning.Pvc runs through my cages with a cup in each one.Cutler is the cheapest I've found the cups themselves,and I ordered my Ts from BASS equipment.It hasn't taken very much for the birds to figure it out. I even have some who know how to drink from the rabbit nipples.

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