Poultry obituaries; post them here for everyone to read about your beloved passed chicken(s)

Mar 8, 2024
Hello everyone!
I don't think there has ever been a thread like this one before, so I made one.
What you do is you post one or more separate obituaries for your passed on loved ones (your chickens) or any other kind of poultry for everyone to see and read.
This thread is meant for you to share about your passed poultry and tell everyone about your memories of them and how special they were to you.
Just remember, stick to the BYC rules (as always.) If you can't decide what chicken or other poultry to do an obituary on, just do your most recently-passed poultry or your most favorite.
I'll do mine on a silver-laced wyandotte chicken name Vicky who passed in September of last year.

Vicky was born in early March. She was in my first batch of chicks; Phyllis, Florence, Winnie, Lucille, Maxine, Puddles, Dumpling, and of course, Vicky herself.
Vicky always made everyone smile. The way she waddled around instead of walking, and especially her friendship with her BFF Winnie. Of course, Vicky was always so excepting of other flock members, but her and Winnie had a special bond that no one could tear apart. They did everything together. Ate together, free-ranged together, even slept with each other on the perch.
One adorable characteristic about Vicky was her voice. It was very distinctive. Once you heard that loud "mwap!" right away you would know it's Vicky.
Last Summer or Fall, Vicky fell ill and even the vet had no idea what it was. They had one possible guess; Lymphoma.
While I was on a cruise to Alaska and someone was taking care of her, she passed away quietly. It was probably around September 7th or so.

R.I.P. my dear little Vicky baby.


I will bury Winnie right next to you🥺

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