Puffed up chick, cocci treatment help, really worried


6 Years
Jul 7, 2017
Central Kentucky
Gosh, I have a sick chick in with my broody hen, Buff, and 8 other chicks. They are 4 weeks old today.
My lavender orp chick is puffed up and I think has coccidiosis. She is still eating
Questions I have:
How do you treat with Corid (amount/ length of time)?
Should I give electrolytes and probiotics with the corid in the water too?
Should I leave her with the others and treat all together?
Or, separate her to treat her separately (preventing exposure to the others) and also treat the rest of the chicks with Buff.
They are on clean grass in there chick brooder tractor coop outside.
I will clean their hutch part of the coop this afternoon, so it is clean before they go to bed.
Any advice on this would be great, if you have time!
I've been meaning to update everyone how well things are going, but, this is the first misshap I've had. After 5 groups of chicks, I have never had this happen before... worried.
Thank you thank you!
Good morning! I'm sorry to hear your chick is sick. I had the same thing happen last year; several batches of chicks and no issues and then wham...major coccidiosis issues.

The following is a quote from Casportpony last night on the amounts to give for Corid. I feel safer giving you her exact information. I have the metric system, so my amounts are different...lol. You need to give this immediately to your chick.

20% Corid Powder - 1.5 teaspoons per gallon for 5 days, then 1/3 teaspoon per gallon for 7-14 days

9.6% Corid Liquid - 2 teaspoons per gallon for 5 days, then 1/2 teaspoon per gallon for 7-14 days

Whether you separate her depends on a few things. I would treat the entire batch of chicks with one source of water IF the other chicks are getting along good with her and not picking or running over her. She will feel more comfort being with her little flock and may get more stressed if you take her away. The other chicks have been exposed and using Corid on the entire bunch won't hurt them. It may save you extra work if others start showing symptoms.

You can separate her if she is sick enough to not notice she's being separated or if the others are picking on/running over her. It would be slightly more cost effective to treat just her since she's the only chick showing visible signs. BUT you'll need to be vigilant with the rest of the chicks in case more get overloaded with cocci. I would possibly separate her if she's not eating and if she needs electrolytes so you can keep a closer eye on her condition.

I treated all of my chicks when I treated mine, in case you're curious...lol.

If all the chicks are eating well, including the sick chick...I'd would treat with Corid only. I'm not familiar if probiotics can be given with Corid. I think so but I'm not certain.

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